A moody view of Tom Miner Basin north of Yellowstone. Louise Johns notes%2C %26quot%3BJulie describes her first time in Tom Miner Basin as %27a spiritual energy that held me like a womb. An old family energy. And the horse was an extension of the landscape from a spiritual and physical aspect. You can reach the ridgelines%2C and your world becomes boundless.%27%26quot%3B Photo by Louise Johns
A moody view of Tom Miner Basin north of Yellowstone. Louise Johns notes%2C %26quot%3BJulie describes her first time in Tom Miner Basin as %27a spiritual energy that held me like a womb. An old family energy. And the horse was an extension of the landscape from a spiritual and physical aspect. You can reach the ridgelines%2C and your world becomes boundless.%27%26quot%3B Photo by Louise Johns