It was a love for wildlands in the West that led Rob Patrick%2C at right%2C down the trail of Ivan Doig%27s books and when he had an opportunity to dive deeper into Doig%27s final years he jumped at the chance. Another thing that brought him to Bozeman and Greater Yellowstone is his close friendship with Kenning Arlitsch%2C Dean of MSU Libraries.  Here they are on an autumn trip into the Yellowstone backcountry.
It was a love for wildlands in the West that led Rob Patrick%2C at right%2C down the trail of Ivan Doig%27s books and when he had an opportunity to dive deeper into Doig%27s final years he jumped at the chance. Another thing that brought him to Bozeman and Greater Yellowstone is his close friendship with Kenning Arlitsch%2C Dean of MSU Libraries. Here they are on an autumn trip into the Yellowstone backcountry.