"Dawn in Lavender," a painting by Dave Hall. You can put a signed, limited edition reproduction of this work on your wall. Of the inspiration for the scene, Hall writes: "For years I've hiked with friends and camped in a favorite Yellowstone location, along the banks of a favorite Yellowstone creek (both of which shall go unnamed)—there I've seen wolf tracks in the gravel meanders and over the years grizzly mothers have taught their cubs the ways of the world in the meadows. We are visitors to their wild home. A painting is a good way to experience their place without taking from it. This work celebrates the sunrise."
"Dawn in Lavender," a painting by Dave Hall. You can put a signed, limited edition reproduction of this work on your wall. Of the inspiration for the scene, Hall writes: "For years I've hiked with friends and camped in a favorite Yellowstone location, along the banks of a favorite Yellowstone creek (both of which shall go unnamed)—there I've seen wolf tracks in the gravel meanders and over the years grizzly mothers have taught their cubs the ways of the world in the meadows. We are visitors to their wild home. A painting is a good way to experience their place without taking from it. This work celebrates the sunrise."