Top two images%3A aerial photographs show how the Gardner River changed course and how the flood washed out the hiking trail to Boiling River.  Next images%3A flood waters pummeled the area where visitors gathered next to Boiling River. Bottom image%3A hot geothermal water still comes out of the ground but it does not directly spill into the Gardner River as it used to. What does the future hold for the confluence of hot water and the river%2C and will it be conducive for soaking again%3F Time will tell.  All photos courtesy Jacob W. Frank%252FNPS
Top two images%3A aerial photographs show how the Gardner River changed course and how the flood washed out the hiking trail to Boiling River. Next images%3A flood waters pummeled the area where visitors gathered next to Boiling River. Bottom image%3A hot geothermal water still comes out of the ground but it does not directly spill into the Gardner River as it used to. What does the future hold for the confluence of hot water and the river%2C and will it be conducive for soaking again%3F Time will tell. All photos courtesy Jacob W. Frank%252FNPS