There are regulations against willy-nilly blockage of rivers%2C but are rivers of wildlife that have passed across landscapes for millennia any different. If their season movements are important to their survival%2C  should their ancient routes be protected from impairment. The Wyoming Migration Initiative has prepared maps that help delineate where wildlife goes%3B unfortunately decades of development  and its cumulative effects  have made corridor protection on private lands urgent. Photo courtesy Tom Koerner %252FUS Fish and Wildlife Service
There are regulations against willy-nilly blockage of rivers%2C but are rivers of wildlife that have passed across landscapes for millennia any different. If their season movements are important to their survival%2C should their ancient routes be protected from impairment. The Wyoming Migration Initiative has prepared maps that help delineate where wildlife goes%3B unfortunately decades of development and its cumulative effects have made corridor protection on private lands urgent. Photo courtesy Tom Koerner %252FUS Fish and Wildlife Service