Many American conservation organizations focus only on public land but avoid from engaging in discussions about the role of the human-built environment in advancing protection of wildlife, habitat and soul of a setting. What happens on private land has huge implications for the health of public land beside it. The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem has one of the highest concentrations of professional environmentalists in the country yet how many of those groups send staff  to county commission meetings where the meaningful intersection between public and private land conservation happens%3F  Photo courtesy Artemis Institute%252FRemote Studio
Many American conservation organizations focus only on public land but avoid from engaging in discussions about the role of the human-built environment in advancing protection of wildlife, habitat and soul of a setting. What happens on private land has huge implications for the health of public land beside it. The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem has one of the highest concentrations of professional environmentalists in the country yet how many of those groups send staff to county commission meetings where the meaningful intersection between public and private land conservation happens%3F Photo courtesy Artemis Institute%252FRemote Studio