Of this image%2C titled %E2%80%9CCrepuscular%E2%80%9D%2C Fuller observes%2C %E2%80%9CAs the sun rises crepuscular rays stream out of the light and shadows created as %E2%80%98steam%E2%80%99 from nearly hot springs drifts through nearby trees.  The rays radiate like the spokes of a wheel spreading from the hub of the sun at the center. Crepuscular refers to twilight%2C that magical transformation of day to night%2C of light to dark%2C and of night to day%2C of dark to light.%E2%80%9D
Of this image%2C titled %E2%80%9CCrepuscular%E2%80%9D%2C Fuller observes%2C %E2%80%9CAs the sun rises crepuscular rays stream out of the light and shadows created as %E2%80%98steam%E2%80%99 from nearly hot springs drifts through nearby trees. The rays radiate like the spokes of a wheel spreading from the hub of the sun at the center. Crepuscular refers to twilight%2C that magical transformation of day to night%2C of light to dark%2C and of night to day%2C of dark to light.%E2%80%9D