"On a subzero morning shortly after sunrise floating frost crystals born of hot springs deep in the Canyon fill the air," Fuller writes. "There are two shapes of crystals.  One acts as a prisim that separates white light into the spectrum of colors visible to us and a second form that reflects white light like a mirror.  A photo cannot convey this nuance, but if you have the good fortune to see this in the real world, and take the time to look deeply, you can see the  light show of both crystals dancing."
"On a subzero morning shortly after sunrise floating frost crystals born of hot springs deep in the Canyon fill the air," Fuller writes. "There are two shapes of crystals. One acts as a prisim that separates white light into the spectrum of colors visible to us and a second form that reflects white light like a mirror. A photo cannot convey this nuance, but if you have the good fortune to see this in the real world, and take the time to look deeply, you can see the light show of both crystals dancing."