A flood of people ever increasingly is taking over riparian areas along the Snake River in Jackson Hole%E2%80%94riparian areas being among the richest habitats for wildlife that is also being pushed out of other areas and%2C ever increasingly%2C getting killed along highways. A section of the Snake River in 1977%2C top%2C and the same section in 2017. Images are are screen shots from the Teton County%27s GIS service%2C provided courtesy Susan Marsh
A flood of people ever increasingly is taking over riparian areas along the Snake River in Jackson Hole%E2%80%94riparian areas being among the richest habitats for wildlife that is also being pushed out of other areas and%2C ever increasingly%2C getting killed along highways. A section of the Snake River in 1977%2C top%2C and the same section in 2017. Images are are screen shots from the Teton County%27s GIS service%2C provided courtesy Susan Marsh