A Yellowstone bison hunkers down in a snowstorm. Even with the green abundance coming, striving to reach the end of winter can push wildlife to its limits. Photo by Jacob W. Frank/NPS
EDITOR'S NOTE: From the Rockies to the high plains, these last weeks of winter can be a time of brutal endurance. Warm, thawing days can quickly be erased by late season blizzards, pushing wildlife survivors to the very brink of exhausting their energy stores. The past year has also been a challenging one for elders vulnerable and alone in Indian Country. As she also does with remarkable grace, poet Lois Red Elk invokes metaphors to describe how, with spring fecundity nearly in sight, these weeks of March are ones of remembrance and perseverance. The first poem Leaving Waniyetu is brand new and will be featured in a forthcoming volume of new poems while Silent Life Letting Go appears in Dragonfly Weather, Lost Horse Press, 2013. When covid times end, we hope to host a reading of Red Elk's new volume in Bozeman. We look forward to it with pleasure. —Mountain Journal