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Trading Away Wildness For Oil And Tax Breaks

December 26, 2017 // Opinion, Public Lands

Caribou in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
A respected Wyoming conservationist schools a U.S. senator after he votes to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to energy development
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The Undeniable Value of Wolves, Bears, Lions And Coyotes In Battling Disease

December 11, 2017

Photo courtesy NPS / Jacob W. Frank
Part 4 in Mountain Journal's series on Chronic Wasting Disease and the threat it poses to America's wildest ecosystem. By killing predators, are states that still cling to Little Red Riding Hood shooting themselves in the foot?
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Everyone Has An Opinion About Government But Many Citizens Would Flunk Civics

December 11, 2017

In this provocative column by Susan Marsh, she wonders aloud: If citizens are so ignorant about lots of things, are we expecting too much in asking them to know and care about public lands, wildlife and nature?
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Making Teddy Roosevelt Mad Not Proud: Trump and Zinke Score A Witless Triumph In Utah

December 5, 2017

Zinke photo courtesy Gage Skidmore/flickr.  Trump photo courtesy Michael Vadon/Flickr
The U.S. President And His Interior Secretary Demonstrate A Clueless Understanding Of Economics Driving The New West.
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Greater Yellowstone's Coming Plague

October 8, 2017 // Chronic Wasting Disease, Public Lands, Science, Wildlife

Thomas Mangelsen's photograph "Winter Herd" portraying thousands of elk on the National Elk Refuge in Jackson Hole, Wyoming
Mountain Journal's special multi-part series on Chronic Wasting Disease and the potential dangers it poses to Greater Yellowstone's unparalleled wildlife and the specter of risk to human health. Part 1: Greater Yellowstone's Coming Plague
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Even In Paradise, Everyone Needs To Heal Something, Especially The Seemingly Invincible

August 23, 2017 // Community, Community Change

Mountain towns cast their own shadows. Photo by Todd Wilkinson
Confronting the myth of perfection, columnist Timothy Tate, a practicing psychotherapist in Bozeman, writes about "distress" accompanying radical changes in mountain communities
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