Beavers are a keystone species in Greater Yellowstone due to their ability to shape ecosystems that benefit plants, rivers and other wildlife. Photo courtesy NPS
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Julia Barton
of furry, buck-toothed trail crews may be the future of repairing streamside
erosion. Beavers, and their penchant for building dams using sticks, mud and
stones, have been effective in helping vital wetland areas retain and purify
water for centuries. In fact, many of the flat, willow-dominated landscapes in
valleys across North America today were formed by the trickledown effects of
beaver dams.
unique abilities of this keystone species are being put to good use in Wyoming
where, since 2018, the state’s Game and Fish Department has relocated more than
80 “nuisance beavers” from private land to areas near Cody to help repair
damaged wetlands. The department completed construction of a temporary holding
facility for beavers last month to expand the program’s capacity, according to an Oct. 19 press release.
and Fish routinely use beavers to improve habitat in Wyoming and this facility
will grow the capacity for habitat enhancement using beavers in the northwest
portion of our state,” said Jerry Altermatt, Cody Region terrestrial habitat
The Wyoming program has created at least eight successfully established beaver colonies so far.
semi-aquatic rodents are expert dam builders, and their industrious behavior
helps repair eroded streambeds by trapping sediments and slowly raising water
levels. Plants such as willows—which provide food and shelter for moose, mule
deer and numerous other species—benefit from the enhanced water retention in
the wetlands adjacent to streams and rivers.
One study
from 2020 even shows that areas where beaver dams have created wetlands are
less prone to burning when wildfires rip through them.
are not, however, particularly well-suited to coexist too close to human
resources. The same behaviors that repair wetlands can flood crops, roads and
other structures, often leading landowners to rid their property of the
animals. It’s these nuisance beavers that Wyoming’s Game and Fish traps and
department identifies areas in need of riparian restoration and aims to
relocate a breeding pair and its offspring to achieve the highest probability of
success. “Transplanting a family group increases the likelihood that the
beavers will stay in the transplant location and establish successfully,”
Altermatt said. “Sometimes this process can take time as the beavers are often
caught one at a time.”
A beaver dam at Schwabacher Landing, Teton Range. Photo courtesy NPS
The Fish
and Game program uses a specialized trailer to house trapped beavers before
relocation, however the small spaces can hold only a few beavers for short time
periods. The new facility quadruples the department’s holding capacity and
affords more time to relocate the animals.
facility provides a secure location to house beavers and allows for more
flexibility for pausing and resuming trapping efforts as necessary to allow
trap-shy beavers to settle down,” Altermatt said, noting that the program has
created at least eight successfully established colonies so far.
The U.S. Forest Service estimates that as many as 400 million beavers lived in North America prior to
the arrival of European settlers in the 16th century. Beaver pelts
quickly became popular and lucrative fashion statements, and trappers nearly annihilated
the population between 1600-1900. Due to better wildlife management practices and
a decline in pelt popularity, the Forest Service estimates that North American beavers
have rebounded to between 6 million and 12 million.
such, Wyoming’s beaver program and similar initiatives can have twofold impacts: sustaining beaver populations and repairing
damaged wetland landscapes.
Julia Barton is a freelance journalist and communications specialist based out of Bozeman. A Montana native, she earned a journalism degree from the University of Southern California and reports on the environment, outdoor recreation and the arts.
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