The 640-acre Kelly parcel in Grand Teton National Park is home to elk, mule deer and bison, and is on the famous Path of the Pronghorn. It could go to the highest bidder tomorrow, Dec. 7. Photo courtesy Savannah Rose
Savannah Rose
There’s a 640-acre parcel of magnificent, state-owned
public land in Wyoming that’s set for auction tomorrow unless the state
changes its mind.
Simply put, this small inholding, known as the “Kelly parcel,” should
never be privatized—never. It is one of the most awe-inspiring
and important pieces of open space remaining in America. Within Grand Teton National Park, its borders include the National
Elk Refuge and Bridger-Teton National Forest. Its value was appraised in 2022 at $62.4
million. However, the director of the Office of State
Lands and Investment just recommended a starting bid of $80
But its real value isn’t about money: The land is a vital
migration corridor for elk, moose, big horn sheep antelope, pronghorn and mule
deer traveling into and out of the national park. It also hosts
87 other “Species of Greatest Conservation Need.” And the annual, 200-mile-long migration corridor known as the Path of the Pronghorn—from
Grand Teton National Park to the upper Green River Basin—passes right
through the Kelly parcel at the crux of what’s
recognized as the longest mammalian migration in the contiguous
United States.
“National parks are heralded as ‘America’s best idea,’ and auctioning off public land within Grand Teton National Park would stand out as Wyoming’s worst idea. If they go to auction, the state and everyone loses control."
– Dave Sollitt, executive director, Jackson Hole Conservation Alliance
Wyomingites have been resolute in their opposition to selling the state-owned
parcel. Publicity generated by the Jackson Hole Conservation Alliance
collected more than 2,600 comments from people opposed to an auction, and
hundreds of opponents turned out at each of four public
hearings in November. Many others contacted the state
directly for a total of more than 10,000 people opposed
to a state auction.
Yet this week the Wyoming State Board of Land Commissioners
will decide whether a private owner gets to do whatever they want
with the Kelly parcel once they bid highest at auction—
fence it, subdivide it, certainly road it. With its iconic views of the Tetons and natural beauty that’s
surrounded by public land—plus sporting one of the most coveted
zip codes in the country—the Kelly parcel will most
likely be snatched up at auction by a billionaire with
development and dollar signs in their eyes.
“The people of Wyoming would not want to be part of a legacy
where this land fell into a private developer’s hands and see that
beautiful landscape dotted with a few select starter castles,” said
John Turner, former director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, at one of the hearings.
There is
no rush to dispose of the Kelly parcel, no deadline to
cash in before the bank forecloses or a buyer
backs out. But an auction changes everything, in a way that can
never be undone.
That is why Dave Sollitt, executive director of the Jackson Hole
Conservation Alliance is asking the State Board of Land Commissioners to
put a stop to this auction and focus on working with state
legislators to find a way to sell the Kelly parcel to Grand
Teton National Park, where it belongs.
“National parks are heralded as ‘America’s best idea,’ and auctioning off
public land within Grand Teton National Park would stand out as Wyoming’s worst
idea,” Sollitt said. “If they go to auction, the state and everyone
loses control. That’s how auctions work.”
Though money generated from auctioning the Kelly parcel to the highest
bidder would contribute some $4,000 annually to the support of public
schools, the windfall to the state would also come at an
immeasurable cost to wildlife.
There is a better approach. Selling the parcel to the National
Park Service—as Wyoming did with its other three parcels within the park—is
projected to generate up to $120 million over 30 years. NPS tried to buy the Kelly Parcel in 2015,
but the agency lacked enough money to make the deal then
and now.
Establishing ourselves as the first state to auction off public land
within a national park is likely to blight Wyoming’s reputation
beyond recovery. It should be clear: Privatizing an irreplaceable area
within a national park for short-term gain is a foolish and
destructive move.
Savannah Rose is a contributor to Writers on the Range,
an independent nonprofit dedicated to spurring lively conversation about the West.
She lives in Jackson, Wyoming, and is a wildlife
photographer who cares about keeping ecosystems intact. Rose’s piece is
repurposed here as part of a collaboration with Mountain Journal.
Mountain Journal is the only nonprofit, public-interest journalism organization of its kind dedicated to covering the wildlife and wild lands of Greater Yellowstone. We take pride in our work, yet to keep bold, independent journalism free, we need your support. Please donate here. Thank you.
About Savannah Rose
Savannah Rose lives in Jackson, Wyoming, and is a wildlife photographer who cares about keeping ecosystems intact.
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