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Are Toxic Agrichemicals Forcing Rapid Evolution in Yellowstone Elk?

June 14, 2024 // NEWS: Feature

Pesticides and fertilizers may have caused deformities in Greater Yellowstone wildlife
New research suggests hazardous chemicals like pesticides and fertilizers used in farming, more so than wolves, contributed to a decline in Greater Yellowstone elk and other ruminants.
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Have Wolves Returned Yellowstone to its Natural State?

May 24, 2024 // NEWS: Feature

Reintroduced into Yellowstone in 1995, wolves have had major impacts on Yellowstone National Park. Some scientists are wondering, to what extent?
Wolves have affected the ecosystem in the park, but new study says they may be just one component of a trophic cascade.
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A Tale of Two Revivals: How Yellowstone Helped Return Wolves to Colorado

March 31, 2024 // NEWS: Feature

Colorado's Proposition 114 brought wolves back to the Centennial State. It was was the first voter-led wildlife reintroduction in American history.
In 1995, the gray wolf was reintroduced into Yellowstone National Park. Nearly 30 years later, Colorado has done the same. How will it play out?
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Where the Rudder Meets the Road

December 22, 2023 // NEWS: Feature

Our roads have disrupted wildlife migrations and ecosystems in ways we didn’t understand when we built them
In his new book, Crossings, author Ben Goldfarb charts a course through the complicated intersection of roads and ecology.
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New Research Suggests Montana FWP Wolf Count High

December 14, 2023 // NEWS: Feature

Wolf reintroduction efforts in Greater Yellowstone beginning in 1995 were successful. As Montana weighs its new wolf management plan, numbers are in question
Bozeman-based researcher says agency's model for counting wolves is wrong. FWP disagrees citing a lack of peer review.
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