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Save Bears, Drink Cider

June 25, 2024 // NEWS: Dispatch

Attractants like human garbage, apple trees and birdseed can lure bears into towns in Greater Yellowstone
Wyoming’s only cidery is on a mission to reduce human-wildlife conflict in Greater Yellowstone. They say harvesting neighborhood apples is the key.
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A Tale of Three Roads: Yellowstone Weighs Options for North Entrance

March 1, 2024 // NEWS: In Short

The North Entrance Road in Yellowstone sustained significant damage in June 2022 flooding
Severe flooding in June 2022 wiped out Yellowstone National Park’s North Entrance Road. The park built a temporary fix. Now officials seek public input for a permanent solution.
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Pair of Wildlife Diseases Detected in Montana Birds

February 2, 2024 // NEWS: In Short

Mourning doves and Eurasian collared doves are susceptible to the disease PPMV
Recent avian flu and pigeon paramyxovirus detections prompted FWP to issue a statement last month informing residents to be aware and diligent if they find dead birds.
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With CWD finally confirmed in Yellowstone National Park, Predators Could be Yellowstone's Salvation

November 20, 2023 // NEWS: Dispatch

A mule deer found near Yellowstone Lake is the first confirmed case of chronic wasting disease ever in Yellowstone National Park
Experts say first-ever CWD case in park was ‘only a matter of time,’ call for Wyoming to eliminate elk feedgrounds
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'Huge Mortality': Winterkill Hitting Wildlife In Northern Rockies Hard

April 7, 2023

A bull elk in Yellowstone left haggard by the winter
Grizzlies are out and wildlife is severely stressed. States issue warnings that recreationists need to be smart and, most importantly, respect space of animals or they could perish
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Young And Roused: Movement In West Strives To Remake Communities Wholer

June 7, 2020

Forward Montana a part of youth movement
In Rockies, Forward Montana empowers leaders to confront injustice, navigate corona uncertainty, and challenge economic disparity. One of its staffers explains how
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Soliloquy For The Fall: Nature Is A Place Where Non-conformists Can Find Themselves

September 29, 2019

The Tetons with fall colors
Susan Marsh riffs eloquently on connecting to place, loss of place and what's worth saving. Are we in Greater Yellowstone listening?
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Big Guns Want 230,000 Acres Of Gallatins Near Yellowstone Protected As Wilderness

May 14, 2019

One wild corner of the Gallatin Range
Founder of Patagonia joins former U.S. Interior Secretary and dozens of eminent scientists who say capital "W" essential to safeguarding wildlife in core of Greater Yellowstone
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Some Call Her 'The Owl Whisperer'

March 18, 2019 // Art, Photography, Wildlife

Ashleigh Scully
Ashleigh Scully is a rising Millennial star in wildlife photography. Enjoy a Mountain Journal interview with the conservation-minded phenom
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TR IV: Meet A Real Theodore Roosevelt Conservationist

August 12, 2018 // Conservation, Leadership, Ryan Zinke, Wildlife

Teddy, Ted and Ryan
Great grandson of 'the old lion' calls moderate Republicans 'an endangered species'
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Yellowstone Investigates Illegal Release of 52 Park Bison From Quarantine

January 17, 2018 // Bison, Yellowstone

Yellowstone bison, photo by Jim Peaco/NPS
Park officials say criminal trespass undermines effort to get animals transplanted on native reservations
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