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Grizzly Hunting is Trophy Hunting

May 23, 2024 // OPINION: Op-ed

The future of grizzly bears will likely be decided this summer
In this op-ed, a former Yellowstone park ranger turned independent grizzly bear researcher writes that states will institute grizzly bear hunting if grizzlies lose protection under the Endangered Species Act.
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GUEST LETTER: FWP Misses the Mark on Grizzly Delisting

February 28, 2024 // OPINION: Guest Letter

Grizzly bears are facing the possibility of being delisted. Are the states ready?
Chris Servheen, former grizzly bear recovery coordinator with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and five wildlife experts say Montana isn't ready to remove grizzly bears from the Endangered Species List.
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As Wildfire Season Looms, Firefighters Battle Low Pay and Low Snow

February 20, 2024 // NEWS: Dispatch

Wildland firefighters on their commute to the office
The Wildland Firefighter Paycheck Protection Act could permanently raise federal firefighter salaries. But even if Congress can pass it, the proposed legislation still isn’t a perfect fix. 
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The Heartbeat of Wild Places

February 4, 2024 // Feature story

Mountain King: If you lock eyes with this guy, you'll want some distance between you
Deep in the wildest terrain in the Rockies, a mysterious discovery tells the story of a battle between Montana's most lethal predators. And why we need them on the landscape.
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Wolves: Love Them or Hate Them?

January 24, 2024 // NEWS: In Short

A recent study indicates that tolerance for wolves in Montana has grown since 2012
Results from a recent survey by Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks and the University of Montana finds growing tolerance toward wolves among state residents.
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Where the Rudder Meets the Road

December 22, 2023 // NEWS: Feature

Our roads have disrupted wildlife migrations and ecosystems in ways we didn’t understand when we built them
In his new book, Crossings, author Ben Goldfarb charts a course through the complicated intersection of roads and ecology.
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In Yellowstone, Teepees To Light The Night, Illuminating Age-Old Connections

July 29, 2023

Teepees aglow beneath the Milky Way on Yellowstone's front doorstep
Several days of festivities at Roosevelt Arch and Madison Junction honor the heritage of indigenous Yellowstone. The public is invited to attend these August events
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Looking Past The Cliches of 'Western Art'

June 18, 2023

Bill Stockton's portrayal of a sunset
In her new award-winning book 'Montana Modernists,' Michele Corriel declares that artists from the West are so much more than frontier portrayals of cowboys and Indians
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'Cracked' Makes Strong Case For Tearing Down Dams That Took Wild Rivers

June 8, 2023

The Yellowstone River is the liquid gem of Paradise Valley. Some wanted to have it dammed
Across West, author Steven Hawley writes, logic that justified damming rivers is wrong. Like Yosemite battle over Hetch Hetchy, Greater Yellowstone had its own fights
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How A Citizen Is Raising Awareness About Threat Of Grand Targhee Expansion

June 1, 2023

Crepuscular rays over the Tetons from the "quiet side"
Howie Garber’s new book touches on the beauty of wildness through a photographer’s lens
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How Development Forced Bozeman’s Namesake Creek Underground

May 10, 2023

Do you see it? What is the water and land mosaic telling us?
The plight of Bozeman Creek is an indicator of how the health of waterways in Greater Yellowstone and the West are facing a multitude of damaging threats
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Protected Islands In The Stream Help Keep Mighty Yellowstone Wild

March 15, 2023

Yellowstone magic: vision of protected islands in a healthy wild  braided river
Investing in nature = smart ecosystem thinking: Beartooth Group and state of Montana preserve pair of wildlife-rich islands that now provides legal access to those who savor Yellowstone River by boat
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Kissing The 'Quieter Side' Of The Tetons Goodbye?

February 27, 2023

Sunset, amid moonrise, brings alpenglow to the west side of the Tetons above Teton Valley, Idaho
Will Grand Targhee Resort expansion put Teton Valley, Idaho on course to become a doppelgänger of Big Sky? A county commissioner voices her concerns
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It's Now Do Or Die For The Great Salt Lake

February 20, 2023

Will Utahns rise to save the Great Salt Lake?
Will Utahns take action to rescue their famous lake or will it be sacrificed to a false notion of prosperity?  Stephen Trimble weighs in for Writers on the Range
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