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No Ref 1 Organizers get out Vote in Park County

May 17, 2024 // NEWS: In Short

Organizers in Park County are ramping up for a June 4 vote on the growth policy
With less than three weeks from a vote, county growth policy proponents look to safeguard rural way of life.
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Paradise Planned

April 19, 2024 // NEWS: In Short

Park County is looking to preserve its rural beauty and way of life
An April 16 commission vote clarified the process for updating Park County's growth policy.
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Guardrails on Growth in Paradise

December 18, 2023 // NEWS: Dispatch

The Absaroka range rises in the distance above Livingston, Montana
As land-use conflicts near a tipping point in Paradise Valley and surrounding locales, Park County Commissioners vote to update the county's Growth Policy
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Ecocentrism and Anthropocentrism: Where do we Stand in Greater Yellowstone?

December 13, 2023 // OPINION: Essay

Stereotyping wildlife has long led to biophobia and ill-will toward predators
In this guest essay, Clint Nagel examines two world views of humanity’s role on planet Earth. And says the time to support nature and its biodiversity is now.

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Mayor Ghosts Nature In Bozeman's Annual State Of The City Address

March 1, 2023

Elk find solitude on an undeveloped hillside in the Gallatin Valley outside Bozeman
It's strange how so few elected officials in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem are willing to speak out for our world-class wildlife. And that does not bode well
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