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A Raven's Call Leads To A Hidden Lobo
August 6, 2018 // Grand Teton National Park, Jackson Hole, Wildlife, Wolves

During a hike in the mountains, what started with a few caws led to the discovery of a stealthily-observant wolf
Read MoreWhy Do Some Politicians Seem To Loathe And Fear The Wild?
July 2, 2018 // Wilderness, Wildlife

Conservationist Dr. Franz Camenzind says "there's a push to end American wilderness as we know it"
Read MoreIs The Silencer Gun Controversy Leaving Us More Tone Deaf?
October 26, 2017 // Hunting, Public Lands

Franz Camenzind Teases Apart One Disquieting Piece Of A Very Bad Anti-Conservation Bill In Congress
Read MoreWilderness: America's Second-Best Idea Is Under Attack—Unfortunately By Some Recreationists
September 6, 2017 // Wilderness

In this second part of an ongoing series on wilderness in America, MoJo columnist Franz Camenzind shines a light on efforts in Congress to roll back federal protection for wilderness. One of the main surprising instigators, he says, are mountain bikers masquerading as conservationists.
Read MoreWilderness, America's Second-Best Conservation Idea, Is Under Attack
August 28, 2017 // Wilderness

In the first part of an ongoing MoJo series, "Modern Wilderness," explored through a variety of perspectives and voices, columnist Franz Camenzind examines what official federal "wilderness" is, the origins of The Wilderness Act and the uncommon importance wilderness in the modern world.
Read MoreFranz Camenzind Pens "Wild Ideas"
August 14, 2017 // Politics, Public Lands

Has the conservation leadership of Greater Yellowstone lost its edge in the face of so many emerging challenges? With a background in wildlife research, making acclaimed nature documentaries and leading a Jackson Hole-based conservation organization, Franz Camenzind has a lot to say about the state of the environmental movement.
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