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Scientists Say Gianforte's Anti-Wolf, Anti-Grizzly Policies In Montana Have No Scientific Basis
October 2, 2021 // Wildlife, Wolves, Yellowstone

Prominent group of wildlife professionals with 1,500 years of experience condemn Montana's new laws targeting wolves. Already pups from popular Yellowstone wolf pack have been killed
Read MoreYellowstone Wolf 302 Latest Star In Rick McIntyre's Lobo Trifecta
September 30, 2021 // Wolves

It's not easy surviving as a wolf in America's oldest national park—and this doesn't even include the perils that loom for wolves from humans once they cross the northern border into Montana
Read MoreMontana Wolf Policies Are Destroying State's Reputation As Beacon For Wildlife Management
September 26, 2021 // Montana, Wolves

Seven respected former wildlife commissioners, all hunters, condemn Montana governor and lawmakers for their callous, unscientific promotion of wolf slaughter
Read MoreWildlife Management By Fairy Tale
September 17, 2021 // John Potter, Montana, Wolves

Cartoonist John Potter says Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte, with his spiteful attitude toward Yellowstone National Park and its wolves, proves he places a religious zeal for politics over science
Read MoreMontana Defiantly Puts Yellowstone Wolves In Its Crosshairs
September 9, 2021 // Montana, Wolves, Yellowstone

In unprecedented move, new hunting and trapping regulations would allow every wolf coming into state from America's first national park to be killed as a trophy
Read MoreWhat 'Modern Wolf Management' Looks Like In The Northern Rockies
August 30, 2021 // John Potter, Wolves

Cartoonist John Potter says Montana, Idaho and Wyoming have turned one of the greatest wildlife conservation achievements in history into shameful expressions of ignorance
Read MoreWolf As Avatar: When A Lobo 'Stepson' Takes Over The Pack
September 30, 2020 // Wolves

Ted Kerasote review Rick McIntyre's 'The Reign of Wolf 21,' a dramatic sequel to the Yellowstone naturalist's critically-acclaimed debut about the most famous lobos on earth
Read MoreThe Big-Hearted Wolf
July 23, 2020 // Wolves

Ted Kerasote reviews Rick McIntyre's paen to lobos 'The Rise of Wolf 8: Witnessing The Triumph of Yellowstone’s Underdog'
Read MoreAn Ancient Rural Culture Deals With Wolves Halfway Around The World
February 13, 2019 // Wolves

MoJo columnist Rebecca Watters returns from a research mission to Mongolia where she tracked lobos, leopards and wolverines
Read MoreRobert T. Fanning, America's Premier Wolf Doomsayer, Passes On
January 7, 2019 // The New West, Wolves

Former Chicago businessman moved to Montana to hunt big game and enjoyed fame as a hater of lobos
Read MoreA Raven's Call Leads To A Hidden Lobo
August 6, 2018 // Grand Teton National Park, Jackson Hole, Wildlife, Wolves

During a hike in the mountains, what started with a few caws led to the discovery of a stealthily-observant wolf
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