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A Bill to Ban Wildlife Whacking

June 20, 2024 // OPINION: Op-ed

Cody Roberts kisses the adolescent female wolf he crippled with his snowmobile
On the heels of a Wyoming man torturing and killing a wolf, a Texas Republican announces introduction of a bill to outlaw running over wildlife with motor vehicles, then holds off so stakeholders can weigh in.
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Dan Stahler: Yellowstone Wolf Project's New Alpha

October 27, 2023 // MoJo Profile

Dan Stahler recently took over as lead wolf biologist for the Yellowstone Wolf Project and is following some big footprints
The new lead biologist for the Yellowstone Wolf Project has big shoes to fill. He’s taking cues on resilience from mentors, science and the wildlife he studies.
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How Greater Yellowstone Grizzlies Could Be Delisted And Remain Protected

July 18, 2023

A grizzly mother with cubs in Yellowstone
States are pushing hard to remove America's most famous grizzly population from federal protection. The primary reason is obvious. Why aren't we doing the same with bald eagles?
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The World Loses Wildlife Art's Greatest Champion

July 6, 2023

 Bill Kerr, who helped create a global destination for wildlife art in Jackson Hole
Bill Kerr passes at 85. In Jackson Hole, his vision led to creation of the National Museum of Wildlife Art, a shrine for those globally who value connections between art and nature
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A Time To Rally: When Ted Turner Gave Jacques Cousteau An End-Of-Life Pep Talk

April 23, 2023 // Conservation, Science

Jacques Cousteau and his prized pupil Ted Turner
Cousteau, once the most famous conservationist in the world, was a father figure to Ted Turner. In old age, Cousteau became cynical. Here's what Turner told him
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Big Sky, Montana: A New West Mountain Town Primed For Its Own 'Big Burn'?

April 19, 2023

Where there's smoke there's a big fire brewing
This high-profile resort community is at 'very high risk to wildfire' and an emblem for the dangers of building in the Wildland-Urban Interface. Part 3 in MoJo's ongoing series
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Are Western Mountain Towns Ready For The Coming Flames?

March 21, 2023

Can't happen here? The Bridger Foothills Fire was Bozeman's WUI wake-up call
Rural sprawl is expanding the "wildland-urban interface." It is elevating the costs and perils of dealing with wildfire, and taxpayers are footing the bill. Part 2 in our ongoing series

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Montana, In The Wake Of 'Yellowstone' and 'A River Runs Through It'

February 27, 2023

Is all the attention destroying last, best places?
Thirty years after Norman Maclean's novella was brought to big screen, many are lamenting how it, and the TV melodrama 'Yellowstone' have fueled an inundation of western Montana
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'Real' Wolves, Yellowstone and Humans’ Place in the Discussion Revealed at ‘Night of the Wolves’

January 12, 2023

Conrad Fisher of the Northern Cheyenne/Tsėhéstáno and Shane Doyle regale panelists and the crowd
MoJo hosts three preeminent wolf experts at The Ellen Theatre, bestows first-ever Conservation Courage awards at sold-out event
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From Humble Roots to Global Green Giants

December 12, 2022

Friends with vision in the Tetons: Jane Goodall and Yvon Chouinard
Yvon Chouinard and Jane Goodall exude a spirit of selfless wildlife conservation that put Jackson Hole and Greater Yellowstone on the map
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'Wild' Horses: Are There 'Too Many' In The West?

September 26, 2022

A wild horse in central Wyoming
Few topics stir more passion. In Writers on the Range, Ted Williams and Scott Beckstead debate wild horse management
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Mountain Journal Adds Managing Editor To Expand Its Impact

September 23, 2022

MoJo's new ME Joe O'Connor
Joseph T. O'Connor, multimedia veteran in covering the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, joins MoJo team as part of series of big operational moves
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Juggernaut: Industrial Recreation Deepens Its Tear Across America's Wildlands

April 27, 2022

At what point is nature conquered?
Is outdoor recreation Manifest Destiny 2.0?  Get ready, the West is about to experience a rush to expand the outdoor recreation infrastructure like never before. Is that a good thing for nature?
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How Serious Are We, Really, About Protecting The Yellowstone Ecosystem?

February 9, 2022

What's good for grizzlies is good for all Greater Yellowstone wildlife
If the answer is saving America's greatest wildlife region, Catherine Semcer writes, then a more valiant and courageous effort aimed at conserving private lands needs to begin right now
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