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Counting Cougars

July 11, 2024 // OPINION: Essay

The elusive and magnificent "Ghost of the Rockies" in its element.
In this guest essay, photographer and Yellowstone guide MacNeil Lyons recounts the top 10 most thrilling mountain lion sightings he's experienced.
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Bears Emerge from Slumber in Greater Yellowstone

May 2, 2024 // NEWS: In Short

A grizzly bear near Roaring Mountain, Yellowstone National Park
As bruins make spring entrance in the GYE, federal agencies announce the reintroduction of grizzlies in the North Cascades.
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What Dreams May Come

April 29, 2024 // MoJo Interview

The host of the "Who Runs This Park?" podcast in her element: Nature.
Maddie Pellman, host of the ‘Who Runs This Park?’ podcast, discusses how dreaming big delivered her dream job.
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To Feed or Not to Feed

April 17, 2024 // NEWS: In Short

Wyoming plans to keep operating all of its 21 elk feedgrounds
Wyoming decided to keep open its elk feedgrounds. Conservationists are questioning the decision citing concern over deadly chronic wasting disease.
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Wyoming Legislative Session Brings Conservation ‘Wins and Losses’

March 21, 2024 // NEWS: Dispatch

The 640-acre Kelly Parcel was slated for public auction before the action was postponed in December amid public outcry
Conservation organizations celebrated an amendment to the state budget authorizing land managers to sell the Kelly Parcel to the National Park Service for $100 million. Some bills are more worrisome.
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Banishing the Tukudika

March 10, 2024 // FEATURE: History

Today and yesterday: the Yellowstone Revealed project depicted the historic and current presence of Indigenous people in Greater Yellowstone
In 1879, Yellowstone superintendent Philetus Norris made a fateful call that epitomized the park’s relationship with Indigenous people—and thus with the world.

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GUEST LETTER: FWP Misses the Mark on Grizzly Delisting

February 28, 2024 // OPINION: Guest Letter

Grizzly bears are facing the possibility of being delisted. Are the states ready?
Chris Servheen, former grizzly bear recovery coordinator with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and five wildlife experts say Montana isn't ready to remove grizzly bears from the Endangered Species List.
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The Heartbeat of Wild Places

February 4, 2024 // Feature story

Mountain King: If you lock eyes with this guy, you'll want some distance between you
Deep in the wildest terrain in the Rockies, a mysterious discovery tells the story of a battle between Montana's most lethal predators. And why we need them on the landscape.
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Two Wyoming Elk Feedgrounds in Limbo Amid CWD Concerns

December 21, 2023 // NEWS: In Short

Wyoming Game and Fish manages 22 elk feedgrounds across the state
As Wyoming Game and Fish assesses the viability of two Wyoming elk feedgrounds, concerns over the spread of chronic wasting disease at forefront.
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The 'Unprecedented' Decline of a Wyoming Pronghorn Herd

December 15, 2023 // NEWS: Dispatch

Heavy snows, coupled with a lethal bacteria rare to Wyoming, hit the state's Sublette pronghorn herd hard last winter
A brutal winter and rare respiratory bacteria killed thousands of pronghorn on one of the nation's longest migration routes. Now what?
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Dan Stahler: Yellowstone Wolf Project's New Alpha

October 27, 2023 // MoJo Profile

Dan Stahler recently took over as lead wolf biologist for the Yellowstone Wolf Project and is following some big footprints
The new lead biologist for the Yellowstone Wolf Project has big shoes to fill. He’s taking cues on resilience from mentors, science and the wildlife he studies.
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Members Of 'Buffalo Nation' In Yellowstone Deserve Better Treatment

August 1, 2023

Yellowstone bison straddling the danger zone along the national park border with Montana
Jaedin Medicine Elk (Northern Cheyenne) says the scene that played out just beyond Yellowstone's border with bison this year needs fixing, not a portrayal of it being a rousing success 
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Who Really Is Footing The Tab For Wildlife Conservation In The West?

July 25, 2023

Who should have biggest sway in determining fate of species
For decades, hunters and anglers have claimed they're the economic bulwarks for protecting species. But is it true? Also: Is it time that outdoor recreation users be asked to pay taxes on gear?
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How Greater Yellowstone Grizzlies Could Be Delisted And Remain Protected

July 18, 2023

A grizzly mother with cubs in Yellowstone
States are pushing hard to remove America's most famous grizzly population from federal protection. The primary reason is obvious. Why aren't we doing the same with bald eagles?
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