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A Time To Rally: When Ted Turner Gave Jacques Cousteau An End-Of-Life Pep Talk
April 23, 2023 // Science

Cousteau, once the most famous conservationist in the world, was a father figure to Ted Turner. In old age, Cousteau became cynical. Here's what Turner told him
Read MoreTwilight Of The Yellowstone Winterkeepers
December 24, 2022 // Yellowstone

With 50 years of solitude, Steven Fuller is a living legend in Yellowstone and an endangered 21st-century icon
Read MoreA Storm Front Moves Into Red State Wyoming
September 14, 2021 // Politics, Wyoming

Liz Cheney says she is fighting for truth and country but why do facts often evade her when it comes to honest discourse about environmental issues? That's a topic for MoJo's The Week That Is
Read MoreMontana Defiantly Puts Yellowstone Wolves In Its Crosshairs
September 9, 2021 // Montana, Wolves, Yellowstone

In unprecedented move, new hunting and trapping regulations would allow every wolf coming into state from America's first national park to be killed as a trophy
Read MoreHow A Mega-Mine And A 'Law Without A Brain' Were Defeated On Yellowstone's Back Door
August 26, 2021 // Mining, Yellowstone

A quarter century after a controversial gold mine was stopped thanks to presidential intervention, one of the green Davids who battled a powerful Canadian giant reflects on the longshot victory
Read MoreExperts Say The Magna Carta Of American Environmental Law Is Under Siege
January 12, 2020 // EPA, Public Lands

Special Report: The National Environmental Policy Act benefits the lives of all Americans every day. So why is the Trump Administration weakening It?
Read MoreNaturalist Says Outdoor Recreation Can Have Huge Impacts On Wildlife
March 20, 2019 // Outdoor Recreation, The New West, Wildlife

Mountain bikers and hikers with dogs can bring huge spatial intrusions into wildlife habitat
Read MoreConservationists Sue To Halt Artificial Feeding At National Elk Refuge
March 18, 2019 // Wildlife

With Chronic Wasting Disease likely already on refuge, action is claimed as necessary to prevent disastrous disease outbreak amongst America's most famous elk herd
Read MoreThe Perils Of Going Along To Get Along
March 13, 2019 // Growth—Good, Bad & Ugly, Leadership, Outdoor Recreation, Politics, The New West, Wildlife

What does it say about us when we have leaders who don't have the courage to act?
Read MorePublic Health Official: Chronic Wasting Disease Seems Bound To Infect People
March 6, 2019 // Hunting, Jackson Hole, Wildlife

"CWD is gonna be a helluva wildlife problem even if disease doesn't reach livestock and humans," Osterholm says. He criticizes Wyoming for continuing to operate controversial elk feedgrounds
Read MoreCan Greater Yellowstone’s Wildlife Survive Industrial Strength Recreation?
March 6, 2019 // Outdoor Recreation, The New West, Wildlife

A contrast between two different organizations—one devoted to tackling real issues shaping our region, the other running away from hard discussions about growing impacts of industrial-strength recreation
Read MoreBoom-time Frenzy: What Kind Of Prosperity Destroys The Foundation It Is Built Upon?
February 26, 2019 // Growth—Good, Bad & Ugly, Jackson Hole, Wildlife

Never mind Greater Yellowstone's super volcano, there's already an epic explosion occurring in some corners of the ecosystem. And it's called growth
Read MoreRobert T. Fanning, America's Premier Wolf Doomsayer, Passes On
January 7, 2019 // The New West, Wolves

Former Chicago businessman moved to Montana to hunt big game and enjoyed fame as a hater of lobos
Read MoreA Death Of Ethics: Is Hunting Destroying Itself?
December 12, 2018 // Hunting, Wildlife

From killing baboon families to staging predator-killing contests, hunters stand accused of violating the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation. Now they’re being called out by their own.