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BLM Public Lands Rule: Why is it Important in Greater Yellowstone?

June 6, 2024 // NEWS: Dispatch

The Bureau of Land Management oversees some 245 million acres of public lands in the U.S.
Despite 90 percent support from 200,000 public comments, new rule faces strong opposition from resource-extraction advocates.
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The Greater Yellowstone Drought Continues

May 10, 2024 // NEWS: In Short

Yellowstone National Park's Lamar Valley. December 9, 2023
After recording a low-snow season in much of the GYE, weather experts predict a warm, dry summer, but ‘normal’ wildlife conditions.
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Bears Emerge from Slumber in Greater Yellowstone

May 2, 2024 // NEWS: In Short

A grizzly bear near Roaring Mountain, Yellowstone National Park
As bruins make spring entrance in the GYE, federal agencies announce the reintroduction of grizzlies in the North Cascades.
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Yellowstone Tourism Leaving Massive Carbon Footprint

April 23, 2024 // NEWS: In Short

Yellowstone National Park visitors emit more than a megaton of CO2 each year
Striking new study quantifies Yellowstone tourism emissions. TLDR: it’s a lot of CO2.
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To Feed or Not to Feed

April 17, 2024 // NEWS: In Short

Wyoming plans to keep operating all of its 21 elk feedgrounds
Wyoming decided to keep open its elk feedgrounds. Conservationists are questioning the decision citing concern over deadly chronic wasting disease.
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If Grizzlies Delisted, Here's What Montana Plans to do

April 3, 2024 // NEWS: Dispatch

Montana FWP says not much will change in terms of grizzly bear management. Not everyone agrees.
Is the Treasure State’s proposed Grizzly Bear Management Plan really a grizzly hunting plan?
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Wolves: Taking Aim from the Air

March 28, 2024 // NEWS: Dispatch

Aerial wolf gunning is a practice used to manage wolves in Montana, Idaho and Wyoming. Conservation groups are pushing back.
Conservation orgs are battling the aerial shooting of wolves, coyotes and foxes on Idaho public lands. Now they’ve submitted a petition to the U.S. Forest Service to ban the practice. Will the feds listen?
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A Tale of Three Roads: Yellowstone Weighs Options for North Entrance

March 1, 2024 // NEWS: In Short

The North Entrance Road in Yellowstone sustained significant damage in June 2022 flooding
Severe flooding in June 2022 wiped out Yellowstone National Park’s North Entrance Road. The park built a temporary fix. Now officials seek public input for a permanent solution.
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Why are bighorn and domestic sheep hanging out? Here's why we should care.

February 14, 2024 // NEWS: In Short

The bacteria M. ovi causes mild symptoms in domestic sheep, but can be fatal to bighorns
A respiratory illness common in domestic sheep can devastate wild bighorn sheep herds. In a quest to minimize transmission, a pair of MSU researchers is leading a study to identify how wild and domestic sheep interact.
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How Irrigation Harms (or Helps) Streamflows in the West

February 9, 2024 // NEWS: In Short

You can see all the wildlife Yellowstone offers when you visit the Yellowstone River delta
A new study used 35 years of data to qualify the impacts of irrigation on river basins across the western U.S. to better inform future management decisions. As it turns out, it’s complicated.
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Pair of Wildlife Diseases Detected in Montana Birds

February 2, 2024 // NEWS: In Short

Mourning doves and Eurasian collared doves are susceptible to the disease PPMV
Recent avian flu and pigeon paramyxovirus detections prompted FWP to issue a statement last month informing residents to be aware and diligent if they find dead birds.
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Wolves: Love Them or Hate Them?

January 24, 2024 // NEWS: In Short

A recent study indicates that tolerance for wolves in Montana has grown since 2012
Results from a recent survey by Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks and the University of Montana finds growing tolerance toward wolves among state residents.
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Homeward Bound

January 19, 2024 // NEWS: Film Review

Mule deer migrate hundreds of miles to winter grounds from Grand Teton National Park
A new documentary released by the Wyoming Migration Initiative chronicles the travel and travails of Grand Teton mule deer.
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2023 a ‘Good Food Year’ for Yellowstone Grizzlies

January 11, 2024 // NEWS: In Short

In October 2023, Grizzly Bear 566 weighed in at a whopping 716 pounds, three shy of the Greater Yellowstone record
Last fall, Grizzly 566 weighed in at a near record-breaking 700 pounds, Mountain Journal spoke with a grizzly expert for the latest in health and population trends for bears in Greater Yellowstone.
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