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Autumn Interlude: Painting Grizzly Bear Mother 399
September 25, 2017 // Grizzly Bears

Grizzly 399 is the most famous modern bear in the world. Sue Cedarholm paints the matriarch as she guides her cubs through Jackson Hole on a quest to sate the hunger of hyperphagia.
Read MoreGrizzlies Deserve More Than Bullets
September 23, 2017 // Grizzly Bears, Opinion

Phil Knight saw his first Yellowstone grizzly 35 years ago. After watching bear numbers climb, he says recovery should not be celebrated by subjecting them to sport hunting.
Read MoreOf Bias And Bears: Is Delisting Greater Yellowstone's Grizzlies Based On Science Or Politics?
September 12, 2017 // Grizzly Bears

For several decades, Jesse Logan gained renown as a forest ecologist. He says the scientific rationale behind removing bears from federal protection doesn't hold up to scrutiny. First part in an ongoing series.
Read MoreJesse Logan Explores GYE Backcountry In From Granite To Grizzlies
August 14, 2017 // Endangered Species, Grizzly Bears, Public Lands, Science

Just as you can't separate the forest from its trees, you can't extract one strand of the web without stretching, stressing or breaking another. From his basecamp home in Paradise Valley, halfway between Yellowstone and Livingston, retired forest researcher Jesse Logan shares insights about climate change that's already upon us.
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