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Searching For The 'Other Bob' Behind Dylan

April 25, 2022

Dylan playing at the Civil Rights March in Washington DC, summer 1963
In 1968, writer Toby Thompson set out for Hibbing, Minnesota on a quest to find out how Robert Zimmerman became Bob Dylan. He met the legend's high school sweetheart who inspired a Dylan song
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He Went Outside To Go Inward

December 20, 2021

Professor Creek and Mary Jane Canyon
In 'Mary Jane Wild,' Brooke Williams seeks wildness in the West to help him make sense of a world coming apart at the seams. It's a fine read for these times
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A Late Bloomer Writes Her Wild Heart

September 20, 2021 // Writing About Nature

Carolyn Hopper in Glacier Park
With two memoirs and a new book of nature poetry under her belt, Carolyn Keith Hopper has come a long way from growing up in the hometown of Thoreau, Emerson and Hawthorne
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A Storm Front Moves Into Red State Wyoming

September 14, 2021 // Politics, Wyoming

Is Wyoming's referendum on Trump tearing Republicans apart?
Liz Cheney says she is fighting for truth and country but why do facts often evade her when it comes to honest discourse about environmental issues? That's a topic for MoJo's The Week That Is
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How A Mega-Mine And A 'Law Without A Brain' Were Defeated On Yellowstone's Back Door

August 26, 2021 // Activism, Mining, Yellowstone

Henderson Mountain would have been sacrificed to mega gold mining
A quarter century after a controversial gold mine was stopped thanks to presidential intervention, one of the green Davids who battled a powerful Canadian giant reflects on the longshot victory
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Last Trek Of The Human Wolverine

August 17, 2021

Until the end he had a twinkle in his eyes for wild country
Joe Gutkoski, a legendary American conservationist, has passed away. Is his style of relentless advocacy for wildlife and wild places the only hope Greater Yellowstone has for keeping its nature from being tamed?
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A Yellowstone Wolf-Watching Guide Wonders Aloud: What Century Are We Living In?

August 5, 2021

Montana, Idaho aim to decimate wolves, again
In this op-ed, Phil Knight says that given new laws in Montana and Idaho designed to decimate wolf numbers, it's time to restore federal protection for lobos
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How Do We Lift Our Mental Spirits?

June 3, 2021

The great outdoors: good for body and soul
Timothy Tate writes about society's reluctance to prioritize mental health as a major public concern. Ironically, the challenge exists in a region filled with nature's healing abundance
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Study: Wolves Bring Fewer Car Wrecks, Save Money And Human Lives

May 26, 2021

What's the real value of wolves?
New research paper raises tantalizing questions about value of wolves in Wisconsin, especially as western states plot their 21st century re-extermination
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Is 'Wildland Conservation' That Does Not Emphasize Wildlife Really Conservation?

April 28, 2021

Well-known artists, writers fill volume edited by Katie Christiansen
Delightful new 'Artist's Field Guide To Yellowstone' offers inspiring reasons to care about protecting wildlife in Lower 48's famous bioregion 

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Pitched Agony

February 28, 2021

Eddy Prugh battles for the ball and a place on a team
For a young athlete, is it better to chase a spot at the top and fall short, or make the grade then get cut? In his ongoing series, Eddy Prugh's journey of hard knocks continues
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Waiting For Elk To Disappear From 'The Last Hundred Acres'

February 23, 2021

The imperiled southwest corner of Montana's Gallatin Valley
Greater Yellowstone resident Rob Sisson pens an essay about his sorrow in watching a wapiti migration route vanish on the outskirts of Bozeman, Montana
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The Future Staring Us Back: Getting Serious About Climate Change

January 26, 2021

Climate could transform Northern Rockies
How is Greater Yellowstone being impacted? A panel of distinguished experts will provide answers Wednesday as part of Big Sky Big Ideas Fest. You are invited
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The Pall Of Our Unrest

September 19, 2020

'Ascent,' a painting by John Felsing
Terry Tempest Williams featured in The New York Times reading her 'obituary for the land.' She implores us: Let it not be true
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