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In Marley's Memory, He Chooses Survival

June 12, 2023

Orsted credits grizzlies with giving him a reason to live
After suffering the devastating loss of his young daughter, Brad Orsted fell into bleak darkness—then the grizzly-inhabited wild country of Greater Yellowstone led him back into the light
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'Cracked' Makes Strong Case For Tearing Down Dams That Took Wild Rivers

June 8, 2023

The Yellowstone River is the liquid gem of Paradise Valley. Some wanted to have it dammed
Across West, author Steven Hawley writes, logic that justified damming rivers is wrong. Like Yosemite battle over Hetch Hetchy, Greater Yellowstone had its own fights
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Why 'Yellowstone' The TV Show Ain't The Real Montana (Or Wyoming, Or The West)

May 31, 2023

Rowland's grandparents' place, the Arbuckle Ranch near Ekalaka, Montana
Montana author Russell Rowland talks about divides shaking the West to its core. They go beyond rural-urban, newcomer-old timer, mountain-prairie and prosperity vs. despair
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Famous Jackson Hole Grizzly 399 Wows Again, But Now What?

May 18, 2023

Model of Motherhood: 399 and her new cub out of hibernation
Emerging with her 18th cub as part of a historic legendary life, 399 is 27, long in the tooth and still transforming our perceptions of grizzlies. Now it's our turn to be on best behavior
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Anatomy Of A Wake-Up Call

May 9, 2023

Spruance, conservative angler turned advocate for saving wildness
After witnessing the impact of Vail on nature, Tom Spruance, conservative businessman, felt compelled to rise up in defense of Greater Yellowstone. He says others should, too
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The Gray Ghosts Of Change: Can The Grizzly 'Bear Tree' Be Saved?

April 3, 2023

A grizzly on the hunt for food moves through a Northern Rockies forest
The whitebark pine tree is receiving federal protection at same time states are pushing to remove grizzlies from imperiled list. A story about how fate of trees and bears is intertwined 
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The Usual Suspects: In Colorado, Wolves Blamed For Losses They Didn't Cause

March 13, 2023

Experts say wolves have a rap sheet they don't deserve
Story Warren, in this personal essay for Writers on the Range, notes how an investigation shows 40 recent cattle deaths can't be pinned on lobos 
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A Rumination On Architecture: Don't Let Your Dream Home Leave Wildlife Homeless

February 16, 2023

Wildlife in Greater Yellowstone valleys: here today, gone tomorrow?
MoJo columnist Lori Ryker reminds how our "human footprint" is exacting huge consequences for wild denizens of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem 
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A True New West Grizzly Bear Dilemma

January 12, 2023

Grizzly bears pass through a ranch in Tom Miner Basin
Up Tom Miner Basin near Yellowstone, neighbors are grappling with how to prevent a wildlife miracle from being loved to death
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Gobbledygook? Are Feel-Good Words Failing The Cause Of Wildlife Conservation?

January 5, 2023

Elk meeting dawn's light on undeveloped land west of Bozeman
Those who toss around terms like "sustainability" often struggle to explain what they really mean in the context of protecting America's private and public wild lands
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From Humble Roots to Global Green Giants

December 12, 2022

Friends with vision in the Tetons: Jane Goodall and Yvon Chouinard
Yvon Chouinard and Jane Goodall exude a spirit of selfless wildlife conservation that put Jackson Hole and Greater Yellowstone on the map
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Doug Peacock Calls Out Loss Of Mother Griz And Cubs In Idaho

December 8, 2022

A Greater Yellowstone grizzly mother and cub
The longtime grizzly conservation activist argues in this opinion piece that fed, state actions are undermining their push to delist bears
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Mountain Journal Adds Managing Editor To Expand Its Impact

September 23, 2022

MoJo's new ME Joe O'Connor
Joseph T. O'Connor, multimedia veteran in covering the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, joins MoJo team as part of series of big operational moves
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Win Or Lose, Liz Cheney's Legacy In American History Will Be Non Sibi Sed Patriae

August 16, 2022

Not so long ago, prior to Jan. 6, 2021, Liz Cheney defended Trump
In this op-ed, Tom Sadler reflects on Wyoming's Republican primary and what Lincoln, Roosevelt, Ike and Reagan would make of Harriet Hageman
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