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An Elder And Grandmother Shows How To Touch The Future Winds

April 2, 2022

The branches of time travel
Lois Red Elk doesn't need poetry to live beyond her time.  In just 124 words, she reveals how all of us can pay forward positive thoughts to benefit wildlife and people we may never know
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Revealing Yellowstone's Ancient Prequel

April 1, 2022

In Yellowstone, human time frames are relative
From the "First Family" in the Yellowstone region twelve millennia ago to today, Shane Doyle says a teepee encampment reminds that humans have a deep history in this part of the world
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Is A Toothless Federal Bureaucracy Devoted To Ecosystem Protection Capable Of Doing Its Job?

March 31, 2022

Development in Jackson Hole is hurting wildlife on both private and public land
What happens when a bunch of federal bureaucratic agencies are thrown together with a mission to protect America's best wildlife ecosystem? Not enough, argues Earle Layser in part two of his series on Yellowstone
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Is Yellowstone Tourism Promotion Helping Or Hurting The Protection Of Wild Places and Wildlife?

March 29, 2022

Does wild country need a publicist?
In Mountain Journal's ongoing series on the topic of limits and our co-existence with Nature, we ponder how advertising, social media and travel writing are negatively impacting the places they tout
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Cowboying Up Doesn’t Mean You Can’t Be Vulnerable

March 28, 2022

Even tough dudes don't want to be lonesome cowpokes
Western men and women often evince the "I don't need nobody to care for me" look but all they really want is to feel connection. A new column about toughness by psychotherapist Timothy Tate
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It Started With A Pilgrimage To Wonderland

March 23, 2022

A black bear jam more than half a century ago in Yellowstone
In the first of a three-part series, "Reflections on a Changed and Changing Yellowstone," writer Earle F. Layser remembers his first visit to America's first national park 75 years ago compared to today
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Wherever You Find Fun Outside, Crazy Creek Has Your Back Covered

March 23, 2022

The camp chair of choice for 35 years
Red Lodge, Montana-based maker of portable chairs, a favorite of active outdoorspeople in the Rockies, is also devoted to protecting the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
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How Much Is Enough? (To Save Or Destroy A World-Class Ecosystem?)

March 13, 2022

How much is enough to save or destroy an ecosystem
New ongoing MoJo series comes at time of record visitation to Yellowstone and Jackson Hole, crowded rivers, exploding development pressure, surging outdoor recreation and climate change
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Zen In The Mountains: Bill Nevins Interviews William DeBuys

March 7, 2022

William deBuys and a primate friend he met in Asia
With a Covid-era book out, the New Mexico writer and thought leader reflects on the search for meaning, Peter Matthiessen and mountain sacredness
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In Lakota, Cante t’insya Manipelo Means 'They Walk Courageously'

March 4, 2022

Reflections on home, leaving home and 'going home'
From the prairie, Lois Red Elk (Hunkpapa/Isante/Yankton) shares a poem—and opens her heart—to the people of Ukraine
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Gov. Lionheart? How Montana's Greg Gianforte Harvested A Yellowstone Cougar

March 3, 2022

A treed cougar in Yellowstone like the one taken by Gianforte
The Montana governor's spokeswoman refused to answer questions after word spread of Greg Gianforte taking a cougar near the same place where he felled a Yellowstone wolf in a trap
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Montana Governor Dodged Accountability After He Shot Yellowstone Research Lion Out Of Tree

March 2, 2022

A treed cougar in Yellowstone like the one taken by Gianforte
The governor's spokeswoman refused to do her job in answering questions after rumors spread of Greg Gianforte shooting a cougar near same place where he killed a Yellowstone wolf in a trap 
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Truth, Illusion And The Reality There's So Much More

February 26, 2022

Nature opens our hearts and minds to more than facts
If science can't measure something or we humans can't perceive it, does that mean it doesn't exist? Susan Marsh weighs in, wrestling with the ways facts fall short in explaining a deeper spirit in nature
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Is Montana Entering New Dark Age of Unaccountable Government?

February 20, 2022

Politicians: what does their oath to uphold public trust mean?
Jim Nelson, a retired state Supreme Court Justice, says democracy is being undermined by elected officials at all levels who are dodging their constitutional oath to keep citizens informed
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