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Top Story: How Deep Does It Go? Future of Area Water Monitoring in Question

The future of Greater Yellowstone water monitoring USGS performs may be in jeopardy
With USGS offices in Greater Yellowstone among dozens of regional government buildings on the chopping block, DOGE savings efforts leave anglers wondering if streamflow monitors will survive.
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Seasons of Resurrection

The great cottonwood brings renewal and rebirth with the spring equinox
As Easter nears and the vernal equinox is
upon us, the concept of resurrection lives in the rebirth of nature and its
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Federal Appeals Court Sides with Corner-Crossing Hunters in Wyoming Dispute

Charges stem from a checkerboard of public and private lands in Wyoming
A three-judge panel upheld a lower court’s ruling in favor of four hunters facing civil trespassing charges.
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If the Forest Falls

Trump's March 1 executive order calls for "immediate expansion of timber production"
Timber industry analysts wonder if they can keep up with Trump logging orders.
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Proper Protection or Perverse Incentive? Orgs Challenge ESA Process

Centennial Valley, Montana, west of Yellowstone National Park
Two Montana nonprofits have filed suit against the Endangered Species Act’s ‘Blanket Rule.’
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Sowing Uncertainty from DC Beltway to Yellowstone Gateways

Workers install a fire ring at a campground for Friends of Bridger-Teton
How the
federal budget purge is impacting regional landscape conservation and
NEWS: Dispatch
CWD Suspected in Dead Elk at Wyoming Feedground

Elk feedgrounds are seeing increased cases of chronic wasting disease
As cases of the always-fatal
disease increase, wildlife managers are grappling with complex management decisions.
NEWS: Dispatch
The Cost of Eggs? How Bird Flu is Impacting Greater Yellowstone

Bird flu is impacting more than just poultry and the cost of eggs
Since the avian influenza outbreak began in 2022, nearly 164,000 birds have been affected in Montana alone.
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