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A Bill to Ban Wildlife Whacking

June 20, 2024 // OPINION: Op-ed

Cody Roberts kisses the adolescent female wolf he crippled with his snowmobile
On the heels of a Wyoming man torturing and killing a wolf, a Texas Republican announces introduction of a bill to outlaw running over wildlife with motor vehicles, then holds off so stakeholders can weigh in.
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The Heartbeat of Wild Places

February 4, 2024 // Feature story

Mountain King: If you lock eyes with this guy, you'll want some distance between you
Deep in the wildest terrain in the Rockies, a mysterious discovery tells the story of a battle between Montana's most lethal predators. And why we need them on the landscape.
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The Evaporation of Water in the West

November 28, 2023 // NEWS: Dispatch

Hyalite Reservoir south of Bozeman, Montana, is one of three water sources that supply the rapidly growing city
Bozeman is growing at breakneck speed. As its population ripples outward, the city looks to combat supply and demand challenges with a new water conservation plan, the first of its kind in Montana.
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In Yellowstone, Teepees To Light The Night, Illuminating Age-Old Connections

July 29, 2023

Teepees aglow beneath the Milky Way on Yellowstone's front doorstep
Several days of festivities at Roosevelt Arch and Madison Junction honor the heritage of indigenous Yellowstone. The public is invited to attend these August events
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Looking Past The Cliches of 'Western Art'

June 18, 2023

Bill Stockton's portrayal of a sunset
In her new award-winning book 'Montana Modernists,' Michele Corriel declares that artists from the West are so much more than frontier portrayals of cowboys and Indians
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Pondering Loneliness When You Live In A Place Some Call Shangri-la

June 16, 2023

For most people, seeking solitude is different from living a solitary life
People flee to the wilds seeking solitude and yet there's a crisis of human disconnection now gripping America. Therapist Timothy Tate explores what's behind it
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In Marley's Memory, He Chooses Survival

June 12, 2023

Orsted credits grizzlies with giving him a reason to live
After suffering the devastating loss of his young daughter, Brad Orsted fell into bleak darkness—then the grizzly-inhabited wild country of Greater Yellowstone led him back into the light
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Three Dead Griz Raise More Doubts About States' Ability To Manage Bruins

May 11, 2023

A Yellowstone-area mother grizzly and two cubs
In op-ed, wildlife advocate Doug Peacock says Idaho incident points to serious flaws with alleged commitment to bear recovery. Save the Yellowstone Grizzly plans lawsuit
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How Development Forced Bozeman’s Namesake Creek Underground

May 10, 2023

Do you see it? What is the water and land mosaic telling us?
The plight of Bozeman Creek is an indicator of how the health of waterways in Greater Yellowstone and the West are facing a multitude of damaging threats
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Doug Peacock Calls Out Loss Of Mother Griz And Cubs In Idaho

December 8, 2022

A Greater Yellowstone grizzly mother and cub
The longtime grizzly conservation activist argues in this opinion piece that fed, state actions are undermining their push to delist bears
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'Wild' Horses: Are There 'Too Many' In The West?

September 26, 2022

A wild horse in central Wyoming
Few topics stir more passion. In Writers on the Range, Ted Williams and Scott Beckstead debate wild horse management
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Once Fierce Rivals, Bradley and Racicot Meet In West's Radical Middle

August 3, 2022

Two rivals flank an Independent in the middle
Dorothy Bradley, a Montanan who narrowly lost to Marc Racicot in governor's race, has penned book of reflections on what she thinks is missing from American politics
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Peacock The Firebrand Asks: Is Fighting For Wild Earth Worth It?

May 17, 2022

Peacock during his searching years in Yellowstone
Doug Peacock battles for grizzly conservation, inspired an Ed Abbey character and served as a Green Beret medic in Vietnam. His new memoir is perfect read for summer
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Juggernaut: Industrial Recreation Deepens Its Tear Across America's Wildlands

April 27, 2022

At what point is nature conquered?
Is outdoor recreation Manifest Destiny 2.0?  Get ready, the West is about to experience a rush to expand the outdoor recreation infrastructure like never before. Is that a good thing for nature?
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