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Mountain Bikers Push to Ride Through Wilderness

July 23, 2024 // OPINION: Op-ed

The Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness in Montana is one of 54 wilderness areas in the U.S. totaling 9.1 million acres
In June, Utah Sen. Mike Lee introduced a bill to allow mountain bikes in Wilderness areas. In his op-ed, Kevin Proescholdt writes that weakening Wilderness protections is a slippery slope.
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Counting Cougars

July 11, 2024 // OPINION: Essay

The elusive and magnificent "Ghost of the Rockies" in its element.
In this guest essay, photographer and Yellowstone guide MacNeil Lyons recounts the top 10 most thrilling mountain lion sightings he's experienced.
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A Bill to Ban Wildlife Whacking

June 20, 2024 // OPINION: Op-ed

Cody Roberts kisses the adolescent female wolf he crippled with his snowmobile
On the heels of a Wyoming man torturing and killing a wolf, a Texas Republican announces introduction of a bill to outlaw running over wildlife with motor vehicles, then holds off so stakeholders can weigh in.
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BLM Public Lands Rule: Why is it Important in Greater Yellowstone?

June 6, 2024 // NEWS: Dispatch

The Bureau of Land Management oversees some 245 million acres of public lands in the U.S.
Despite 90 percent support from 200,000 public comments, new rule faces strong opposition from resource-extraction advocates.
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Wolf Whacking Must Go

May 14, 2024 // OPINION: Op-ed

A lone female wolf trudges through the snow near Tower Junction in Yellowstone's Northern Range
On the heels of a wolf that was tortured and killed in Wyoming, Mountain Journal columnist Franz Camenzind says laws need to change.
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Wyoming Legislative Session Brings Conservation ‘Wins and Losses’

March 21, 2024 // NEWS: Dispatch

The 640-acre Kelly Parcel was slated for public auction before the action was postponed in December amid public outcry
Conservation organizations celebrated an amendment to the state budget authorizing land managers to sell the Kelly Parcel to the National Park Service for $100 million. Some bills are more worrisome.
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Hearing the ‘Hush of the Land’

March 5, 2024 // MoJo Interview

Legendary outfitter Smoke Elser's new book "Hush of the Land" is published this month
Smoke Elser and Eva-Maria Maggi discuss their new book, Hush of the Land, chronicling decades of mule-packing trips in the Bob Marshall Wilderness.
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As Wildfire Season Looms, Firefighters Battle Low Pay and Low Snow

February 20, 2024 // NEWS: Dispatch

Wildland firefighters on their commute to the office
The Wildland Firefighter Paycheck Protection Act could permanently raise federal firefighter salaries. But even if Congress can pass it, the proposed legislation still isn’t a perfect fix. 
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The Past 30 Years in Yellowstone, Part 4: Mike Finley

January 9, 2024 // Interview Series

Mike Finley served the National Park Service for 32 years, including a trifecta of superintendent posts at three national parks
In the final installment of MoJo’s interview series with four Yellowstone superintendents, Mike Finley pulls no punches discussing the issues in our national parks.
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Wildland Firefighters: Slash and Burn?

November 9, 2023 // NEWS: In Short

On November 17, federal wildland firefighters face a fiscal pay cliff, which could be "calamitous" for America's forests
As wildfires rage hotter and spread faster, federal wildland firefighters are facing a fiscal pay cliff on Nov. 17, and with it a potential 50 percent slash in workforce. 
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To Protect a Section of Precious Land

November 3, 2023 // OPINION: Essay

The spectacular view from the Kelly parcel looking southwest
Why would Wyoming put a wildlife-rich 640-acre land parcel up for auction? Hint: Big money.
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Who Really Is Footing The Tab For Wildlife Conservation In The West?

July 25, 2023

Who should have biggest sway in determining fate of species
For decades, hunters and anglers have claimed they're the economic bulwarks for protecting species. But is it true? Also: Is it time that outdoor recreation users be asked to pay taxes on gear?
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Montana’s Climate Kids Should Adopt Wildlife As Their Mascot

July 23, 2023

What kind of landscapes are we creating for others to dwell inside?
Citing the state constitution, young people in Montana sued the state over climate change. Win or lose, wildlife conservation would strengthen their case with the public
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How Greater Yellowstone Grizzlies Could Be Delisted And Remain Protected

July 18, 2023

A grizzly mother with cubs in Yellowstone
States are pushing hard to remove America's most famous grizzly population from federal protection. The primary reason is obvious. Why aren't we doing the same with bald eagles?
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