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Are Toxic Agrichemicals Forcing Rapid Evolution in Yellowstone Elk?

June 14, 2024 // NEWS: Feature

Pesticides and fertilizers may have caused deformities in Greater Yellowstone wildlife
New research suggests hazardous chemicals like pesticides and fertilizers used in farming, more so than wolves, contributed to a decline in Greater Yellowstone elk and other ruminants.
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A Tale of Two Revivals: How Yellowstone Helped Return Wolves to Colorado

March 31, 2024 // NEWS: Feature

Colorado's Proposition 114 brought wolves back to the Centennial State. It was was the first voter-led wildlife reintroduction in American history.
In 1995, the gray wolf was reintroduced into Yellowstone National Park. Nearly 30 years later, Colorado has done the same. How will it play out?
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The Complex and Confounding Task of Wrangling America’s Wild Horses

March 7, 2024 // NEWS: Dispatch

Summer thunder: the McCullough Peaks herd on the move
As management agencies wrangle with wild horse management, advocates, nonprofits and the general public are pushing back.
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50 Years: How the Endangered Species Act Influenced Greater Yellowstone

January 2, 2024 // NEWS: Dispatch

Bald eagles were finally listed under the ESA in 1978
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act, Mountain Journal looks at the landmark legislation’s impact on some of Greater Yellowstone’s keystone species.
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After 20 Years of Lawsuits, Wolverine Listed as Threatened

December 7, 2023 // NEWS: Dispatch

Wolverines face numerous challenges, including a warming climate and an increasing human footprint
Wolverines face numerous threats and only 300 exist in the Lower 48. Now that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service listed them under the Endangered Species Act, wolverine supporters are finally notching a win.
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Dan Stahler: Yellowstone Wolf Project's New Alpha

October 27, 2023 // MoJo Profile

Dan Stahler recently took over as lead wolf biologist for the Yellowstone Wolf Project and is following some big footprints
The new lead biologist for the Yellowstone Wolf Project has big shoes to fill. He’s taking cues on resilience from mentors, science and the wildlife he studies.
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A 'Greater Yellowstone National Park': Is It So Far-Fetched?

August 8, 2023

A greater version of Yellowstone fit for the 21st century?
To save America's most iconic wildlife ecosystem, two prominent conservationists say in this op-ed that today's epic challenges must be met with grander bolder thinking. If not this, then what?
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Rick Bass: Let The Yaak Be Another Momentus First In American Conservation

July 25, 2023

A bull moose in the Yaak Valley rainforest
In this guest essay, the writer suggests that protecting old growth trees in the Kootenai could establish Montana as a national reference in confronting climate change
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In Marley's Memory, He Chooses Survival

June 12, 2023

Orsted credits grizzlies with giving him a reason to live
After suffering the devastating loss of his young daughter, Brad Orsted fell into bleak darkness—then the grizzly-inhabited wild country of Greater Yellowstone led him back into the light
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To Stop A Grizzly And How Bear Spray Saved A Life

June 6, 2023

A large male grizzly approaches the camera in Greater Yellowstone
When a grizzly bear charged Keegan David, he had seconds to react. He shared his story with Mountain Journal.
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Three Dead Griz Raise More Doubts About States' Ability To Manage Bruins

May 11, 2023

A Yellowstone-area mother grizzly and two cubs
In op-ed, wildlife advocate Doug Peacock says Idaho incident points to serious flaws with alleged commitment to bear recovery. Save the Yellowstone Grizzly plans lawsuit
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In Jackson Hole, Good News About CWD—For Now

March 5, 2023

Thousands of elk bunched up over artificial feed at the National Elk Refuge
Senior biologist with National Elk Refuge says Chronic Wasting Disease hasn't shown up there yet. But any sense of solace is probably short lived
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'Yellowstone Summit' Delivers Magic Of Yellowstone Up Close And Personal

February 12, 2023

What's your favorite thing about Yellowstone?
Wolves, grizzlies, bison, fine art, indigenous history, exploration tips and Bob Landis footage part of stellar virtual lineup Feb. 23-26
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How Bills To Stop Killing Coyotes With Snowmobiles Went Down In Flames

January 19, 2023

In 2019, former Montana Sen. Mike Phillips introduced a bill to outlaw running over coyotes with snowmobiles. It failed.
Former Montana lawmaker questions what kind of religious people who worship Creator would condone torturing living products of creation?
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