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Robert Staffanson On What It Means To Be A Real Cowboy

April 29, 2023 // Culture, Guest Commentary, Politics, Ranching

Bob Staffanson on a cattle drive.
Not the kind of wrangler you see on 'Yellowstone': Staffanson, a Montana ranch kid, re-invented himself twice—as symphony conductor and Native rights activist
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Meet Jessica Wiese, Mountain Journal's New Executive Director

April 7, 2023

Jessie brings dynamic combo of love for outdoors, wild places and rural Westerners
With a background in science and private land conservation, Wiese says the time is now to rally for Greater Yellowstone as the region comes under increasing human pressure
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The Gray Ghosts Of Change: Can The Grizzly 'Bear Tree' Be Saved?

April 3, 2023

A grizzly on the hunt for food moves through a Northern Rockies forest
The whitebark pine tree is receiving federal protection at same time states are pushing to remove grizzlies from imperiled list. A story about how fate of trees and bears is intertwined 
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Are Western Mountain Towns Ready For The Coming Flames?

March 21, 2023

Can't happen here? The Bridger Foothills Fire was Bozeman's WUI wake-up call
Rural sprawl is expanding the "wildland-urban interface." It is elevating the costs and perils of dealing with wildfire, and taxpayers are footing the bill. Part 2 in our ongoing series

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Protected Islands In The Stream Help Keep Mighty Yellowstone Wild

March 15, 2023

Yellowstone magic: vision of protected islands in a healthy wild  braided river
Investing in nature = smart ecosystem thinking: Beartooth Group and state of Montana preserve pair of wildlife-rich islands that now provides legal access to those who savor Yellowstone River by boat
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Mayor Ghosts Nature In Bozeman's Annual State Of The City Address

March 1, 2023

Elk find solitude on an undeveloped hillside in the Gallatin Valley outside Bozeman
It's strange how so few elected officials in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem are willing to speak out for our world-class wildlife. And that does not bode well
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Montana, In The Wake Of 'Yellowstone' and 'A River Runs Through It'

February 27, 2023

Is all the attention destroying last, best places?
Thirty years after Norman Maclean's novella was brought to big screen, many are lamenting how it, and the TV melodrama 'Yellowstone' have fueled an inundation of western Montana
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'Real' Wolves, Yellowstone and Humans’ Place in the Discussion Revealed at ‘Night of the Wolves’

January 12, 2023

Conrad Fisher of the Northern Cheyenne/Tsėhéstáno and Shane Doyle regale panelists and the crowd
MoJo hosts three preeminent wolf experts at The Ellen Theatre, bestows first-ever Conservation Courage awards at sold-out event
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A True New West Grizzly Bear Dilemma

January 12, 2023

Grizzly bears pass through a ranch in Tom Miner Basin
Up Tom Miner Basin near Yellowstone, neighbors are grappling with how to prevent a wildlife miracle from being loved to death
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Twilight Of The Yellowstone Winterkeepers

December 24, 2022 // Yellowstone

Portrait of Steven Fuller by Neal Herbert/National Park Service
With 50 years of solitude, Steven Fuller is a living legend in Yellowstone and an endangered 21st-century icon
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The Story Behind A Coyote Painting Titled ‘Mayday!’

December 21, 2022

A painting that causes us to take notice, if we dare
Artist George Carlson encountered a disturbing scene along a rural county road in the West. To process the experience he created one of the most powerful works of his career
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White-tailed Deer Buck With CWD Confirmed Near Bozeman

December 14, 2022

CWD is now on the doorstep of Bozeman
As CWD spreads across the West, Wyoming still operates elk feedgrounds and states take aim at disease-fighting predators
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From Humble Roots to Global Green Giants

December 12, 2022

Friends with vision in the Tetons: Jane Goodall and Yvon Chouinard
Yvon Chouinard and Jane Goodall exude a spirit of selfless wildlife conservation that put Jackson Hole and Greater Yellowstone on the map
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Op-Ed: Citizens Reject POWDR's Holland Lake Lodge Expansion

December 6, 2022

Holland Lake dons her fall colors
Members of Save Holland Lake praise the Forest Service for denying Utah developer's plan to bring industrial tourism to shores of lake set in important wildlife habitat
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