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'Unbroken Wilderness:' Big Sky And The Human Appetite For Consuming Wildness

May 15, 2020

Snow reveals landscape fragmentation at Big Sky
Big Sky is considered one of the biggest environmental challenges in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and its impacts are spilling into the wild Gallatins
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'Unbroken Wilderness:' Some Call The Porcupine And Buffalo Horn 'Holy Land'

May 14, 2020

High above the Buffalo Horn
As animal highways important to Yellowstone Park, Bart Koehler says they are also the Gallatins' beating wild heart—and deserve protection

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‘Unbroken Wilderness:’ The Quest To Save The Wild Gallatins

May 12, 2020

The Gallatins: wilder than most US national parks
For this American mountain range vital to Yellowstone's world-class wildlife, Bart Koehler reflects on why protecting it is one of the most important conservation issues in the West
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One of America's Biggest Wildlife Conservation Issues You Need To Know About

May 6, 2020

The Wild Gallatin Crest
Stretching between Yellowstone National Park and Bozeman, the Gallatins are the only mountains rimming Yellowstone without significant wilderness protection. Will the Forest Service show vision?
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America's Big Open Was Anything But Lonely Or Empty

May 1, 2020

Did you know bighorns migrate, too?
Along with indigenous people, native animals large and small once covered North America's prairies—and in some places, they could again.
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Our Communities Are Being Defined By How We Respond To Covid-19

April 23, 2020

Giving creates infectious hope
Give Big, the annual celebration of non-profits, arrives at a crucial moment when citizens are anxious to get out—and rally. We guarantee this interview with Bridget Wilkinson will open your heart
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Celebrating The Power Of A Word: H-A-B-I-T-A-T

April 22, 2020

Grizzly fishing in the Yellowstone River
In this Earth Day tribute, conservationist and American safari guide Phil Knight puts Greater Yellowstone in global perspective
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Are America's Greatest Wildlife Migrations Being Sacrificed To Fossil Fuels?

April 14, 2020

Pronghorn on the move for survival
Writer and ecologist Franz Camenzind investigates why some of Greater Yellowstone's biggest animal wonders are imperiled. Part 1 in an ongoing series Epic Journeys—Views from the Front Lines of America's Greatest Wildlife Migrations
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What Can Greater Yellowstone Learn From Africa? (Remembering Garth Owen-Smith 1944-2020)

April 11, 2020

From sport hunting iconic species to giving local communities ownership over wildlife, Namibia may do things that drive some American conservationists crazy, but it has slowed and reversed the decimation of wildlife
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When The Government Tries To Think Big

March 29, 2020

Bison in Yellowstone's Lamar Valley
Thirty years ago, the Greater Yellowstone's first attempt at having a grand vision to protect the ecosystem turned into a whimper. What happened? A first-hand account from a civil servant who was there
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With 'Cold Country' A New Writing Star Is Born

March 24, 2020

Is 'Cold Country' headed to the big screen?
Behind the pages: Charlie Denison interviews Montana writer Russell Rowland about a novel set in Paradise Valley
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Can This Pause Make Us Smarter About How We Protect Yellowstone?

March 18, 2020

The Upper Yellowstone Valley
The ecosystem holding America's first national park is facing whirlwind changes. The slowdown could be the wake-up call we need.
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Yellowstone Always On His Mind

March 13, 2020

Yochim spent his last hours devoted to Yellowstone's protection
Until his last breath, former ranger, hiker and nature advocate Mike Yochim raced to finish a book aimed at protecting America's first national park
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After Yellowstone, Dreams Of Rewilding Scotland With Wolves And Lynx?

February 26, 2020

The idea of predator eradication was a European import
In the absence of predators, deer numbers exploded. After environmentalist George Monbiot killed one for population control, animal rights activists howled
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