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Wilderness Proposal in Gallatin, Madison Ranges Sparks Debate

August 19, 2024 // NEWS: Dispatch

Hyalite Peak in the Gallatin Range
A new bill hopes to establish 124,000 acres of Wilderness in the Gallatin and Madison ranges adjacent to Yellowstone National Park. Is it enough to protect wildlife?
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The Lost Lesson of Stewardship

July 9, 2024 // OPINION: Essay

Visitors in Yellowstone National Park contemplate the setting sun on the shores of Yellowstone Lake
In the face of a warming climate and accelerating human impact in Greater Yellowstone, former 16-year Montana State Representative Dorothy Bradley writes that we have a responsibility, not just to our ancestors, but to the wildlife being squeezed in the ecosystem.
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The Healing Nature of Nature Therapy

May 8, 2024 // OPINION: Essay

Sun shines in Yellowstone's Lamar Valley
In a world stuffed with technology and distraction, Bradley Orsted reaches out to touch the natural world in Greater Yellowstone.
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Wilderness: An Update on the Custer Gallatin

April 25, 2024 // OPINION: Op-ed

Emigrant Peak in the Custer Gallatin National Forest
Considering the changing climate and recent proposals, four heavy hitters weigh in on the future of Wilderness, wildlife and the Custer Gallatin National Forest.
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Glory is not Just in the Going

December 1, 2023 // OPINION: Essay

The view from Cottonwood Bench Road near Clyde Park makes it easy to slow down and take it in
To slow down and take in the wonder of Nature is to recognize the spirituality and wonder of our environment.
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A 'Greater Yellowstone National Park': Is It So Far-Fetched?

August 8, 2023

A greater version of Yellowstone fit for the 21st century?
To save America's most iconic wildlife ecosystem, two prominent conservationists say in this op-ed that today's epic challenges must be met with grander bolder thinking. If not this, then what?
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Pondering Loneliness When You Live In A Place Some Call Shangri-la

June 16, 2023

For most people, seeking solitude is different from living a solitary life
People flee to the wilds seeking solitude and yet there's a crisis of human disconnection now gripping America. Therapist Timothy Tate explores what's behind it
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Brad Orsted Knows: Immersion In Nature Can Heal Worst Kind Of Pain

June 12, 2023

Orsted titled this portrait he took of a Yellowstone wolf pack "A Family Affair"
In new, long-awaited book, Montana photographer writes how wandering through grizzly and wolf country has helped him recover from young daughter's tragic death
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In Marley's Memory, He Chooses Survival

June 12, 2023

Orsted credits grizzlies with giving him a reason to live
After suffering the devastating loss of his young daughter, Brad Orsted fell into bleak darkness—then the grizzly-inhabited wild country of Greater Yellowstone led him back into the light
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Cranes Remind Us Of A Nature Everlasting

April 18, 2023

Migrations speak to the eternal but human decisions often only to moments
It's Earth Week, and Dorothy Bradley, an esteemed Montana stateswoman, asks: "Can we really look young people in the eye and claim we're securing them a better future?"
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Dorothy Bradley: Saving Wildlife Is Conservation Worth Fighting For

January 13, 2023

In crescendo of 'Night of the Wolves,'Dorothy Bradley delivered rousing call for courage and conservation
In her own words: Prominent Montana stateswoman and conservationist Bradley, in stirring speech at MoJo event, says courage needed to protect wild Greater Yellowstone

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'Real' Wolves, Yellowstone and Humans’ Place in the Discussion Revealed at ‘Night of the Wolves’

January 12, 2023

Conrad Fisher of the Northern Cheyenne/Tsėhéstáno and Shane Doyle regale panelists and the crowd
MoJo hosts three preeminent wolf experts at The Ellen Theatre, bestows first-ever Conservation Courage awards at sold-out event
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Our Biodiversity Is World Class, But Can We Prevent It From Slipping Away?

December 11, 2022

Only three Lower 48 states boast grizzlies and wolves in their border
Greater Yellowstone stands apart for its large mammals and other species. Dorothy Bradley says only habitat protection will spare it
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The 'Wild West' Is Finite: Let's Not Consume It All

November 7, 2022

Sandhill cranes delight us—and they rely on our stewardship of habitat
Dorothy Bradley devoted her career to protecting Montana's sense of place. Now, in her twilight years, she says the conquering of nature has got to stop
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