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Big Guns Want 230,000 Acres Of Gallatins Near Yellowstone Protected As Wilderness

May 14, 2019

One wild corner of the Gallatin Range
Founder of Patagonia joins former U.S. Interior Secretary and dozens of eminent scientists who say capital "W" essential to safeguarding wildlife in core of Greater Yellowstone
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Is Development On Private Land in Jackson Hole Causing The Community To Burst At Its Seams?

May 6, 2019

An aerial view Jackson, Wyoming
Award-winning writer Susan Marsh, a former Forest Service naturalist and wildlands manager, expresses worry that is on the minds of many in her famous valley
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Kids Get Climate Change, So Why Won't Adults Adjust Lifestyles To Give Them A More Livable Future?

May 5, 2019

Teenage climate change activist Greta Thunberg
MoJo columnist Lance Olsen says the world's youth have ample reasons to question the selfishness of their elders
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Natural Truths: Channeling The Wisdom of Aldo Leopold

April 19, 2019

Aldo Leopold
Seventy years after A Sand County Almanac was published, what would 'the godfather of modern ecological thinking' say about battles over predators, recreation and environmental justice?
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John Heyneman Returns To Home Range

April 1, 2019

The legendary Padlock Ranch
Wyoming rancher Heyneman, who grew up near Fishtail, Montana, has a personal family connection to the legendary Padlock Ranch and once left a big impression on Wallace Stegner
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The Power Of Words: How We Use Language To Justify Our Consumption Of Nature

March 11, 2019 // Public Lands, Wildlife, Wyoming

A wolf in Yellowstone
MoJo columnist Susan Marsh waxes on how we 'harvest' living things to avoid admitting we're taking their lives
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An Ancient Rural Culture Deals With Wolves Halfway Around The World

February 13, 2019 // Ecosystem Protection, Wolves

An elusive Mongolian wolf
MoJo columnist Rebecca Watters returns from a research mission to Mongolia where she tracked lobos, leopards and wolverines
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Earth To Greater Yellowstone: Taking Note Of The Wondrous Planet We Call Home

January 17, 2019

"Earthrise," a view from Apollo 8 in 1968.
MoJo columnist Susan Marsh reflects on the value of reflection. We all need to stop and pause
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Teddy Loved NoDak: Land Of Prairie Light, Space And Multitudes Of Migrating Avians

December 3, 2018

North Dakota's western broken prairie
Before the Bakken made fortunes and a mess of the landscape, Jackson Hole naturalist Susan Marsh discovered a different kind of majesty
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At 50, Has The Inspiring Spirit Of The Wild And Scenic Rivers Act Been Forgotten?

November 13, 2018

Ansel Adams' famous portrait of the Snake River
Susan Marsh says Greater Yellowstone is a fount of wild American rivers—and trails— yet many citizens treat them only with greed or indifference
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Ode To The Autumns Of Our Lives

October 1, 2018

South Fork of the Snake River
For naturalist Susan Marsh, fall is the season of visual warmth, and reflection on fallibility
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Are We Seeking Escape To—Or From—The Real World?

July 25, 2018 // Jackson Hole, Public Lands, Wilderness

Naturalist Susan Marsh, a maven of the high country, helps us find an answer in the 'wildflower forest'
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Yellowstone's New Chief Breaks The Silence

July 17, 2018 // Hunting, Leadership, Wildlife, Yellowstone

Cameron Sholly
In a Mountain Journal exclusive, Cameron Sholly talks Dan Wenk, Ryan Zinke's controversial moves and taking the helm of America's oldest national park
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A Hunger For Solitude During Visitor Season

June 27, 2018 // Grizzly Bears, Jackson Hole, Wilderness, Wyoming

After the guests depart, Susan Marsh savors a wild Snake and charismatic megafauna
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