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Four Bold Ideas To Save Greater Yellowstone (And Certain To Make Some Squirm)

March 15, 2021

Nature and former ag lands going, going gone
Lee Nellis first wrote in Mountain Journal about the failures of conservation. Now he wants to provoke a real discussion about how not to become Colorado. Are we ready to take aversive action?
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What's Our Role In Saving Greater Yellowstone?

March 1, 2021

Migrating elk, one of Greater Yellowstone's wildlife wonders
Every one of us, who feels connected to America's 'wildlife Serengeti,' needs to rally or the wildness we treasure here will be lost
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Mother Nature Never Lets Her Down

January 6, 2021

What were the highlights of your year?
For Susan Marsh, the year past was not a woeful one. She paints a portrait filled with colorful reminders of how the wild world remains both refuge and sanctuary
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How The Wild World Gives Me Solace

December 3, 2020

A red fox in the Hayden
During the pandemic, Americans ready or not have poured into public lands. But what does escape mean for a seasoned wanderer?
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Has 'Collaborative Conservation' Reached Its Limits?

October 5, 2020

Will Teton Valley fill in like Bozeman and southern Jackson?
A veteran rural land use planner says we need a new narrative to save the wild American West and the essence of local communities
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How Social Media And Bad Behavior Are Leaving Wild Places Trashed

August 13, 2020

Delta Lake in the Tetons is a victim of Covid-19
What has the Covid age spawned? While problems exist in all corners of public land West, naturalist Susan Marsh looks at impacts in Jackson Hole
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When Covid-19 Refugees Invade Our Space And Act Recklessly

June 28, 2020

Don't worry about the future: be here now
How Susan Marsh, a Greater Yellowstonean, is finding summer solace in her renewed gratitude for public lands
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A Black Woman Who Tried To Survive In The Dark, White Forest

June 18, 2020 // Diversity, Forest Service

Melody Mobley
The Forest Service's first African-American woman forester reflects on sexual assault, justice denied, and racism in one of the country’s premier land management agencies
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On Getting Unrattled

May 22, 2020

Is there any place to escape the worry of Covid-19?
A psychotherapist confesses his own Covid-19 worries, when even the legendary Mother's Day fly fishing hatch on the Yellowstone River brings no relief
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How Do We Rejoin The Interconnected Community Of Nature?

April 6, 2020

Bosch's Garden of Earthly Delights
Naturalist turned new mom Katie Shepherd Christiansen says we ought to reflect on how we can treat wild country with more respect
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When The Government Tries To Think Big

March 29, 2020

Bison in Yellowstone's Lamar Valley
Thirty years ago, the Greater Yellowstone's first attempt at having a grand vision to protect the ecosystem turned into a whimper. What happened? A first-hand account from a civil servant who was there
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Imagine If Every County And Town Planning Department Had A Staff Ecologist

February 18, 2020

A student of 'Remote Studio'
To protect the best of Greater Yellowstone, Lori Ryker says humans need to practice real intelligent design and make sure nature registers
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Calling Nature Writers, Poets And Videographers

February 12, 2020

What do you have to say about Greater Yellowstone?
Layser creative writing and journalism fellowship offers $3500 to person who wants to tell Greater Yellowstone stories. Application deadline is March 11, 2020
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When Green-up Arrives, Do You Suffer From 'Plant Blindness'?

February 12, 2020

Black-eyed Susans in the Bridgers
For naturalist Susan Marsh, winter is a great season for reflecting on what's out of sight and mind—and how each of us can appreciate new worlds 
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