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Save Bears, Drink Cider

June 25, 2024 // NEWS: Dispatch

Attractants like human garbage, apple trees and birdseed can lure bears into towns in Greater Yellowstone
Wyoming’s only cidery is on a mission to reduce human-wildlife conflict in Greater Yellowstone. They say harvesting neighborhood apples is the key.
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Are Western Mountain Towns Ready For The Coming Flames?

March 21, 2023

Can't happen here? The Bridger Foothills Fire was Bozeman's WUI wake-up call
Rural sprawl is expanding the "wildland-urban interface." It is elevating the costs and perils of dealing with wildfire, and taxpayers are footing the bill. Part 2 in our ongoing series

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Should Enviro Groups Be Promoting More Human Recreation Use Of Still-Unspoiled Places?

January 10, 2023

Two's company, but crowds can destroy the magic of wild places
A longtime Montana conservationist calls out a group for promoting its 'Trail of the Week' at a time when natural areas are being overwhelmed at the expense of wildlife
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Prominent Scientists Push Back Against Delisting Grizzly Bears: Op-Ed

January 13, 2022

Grizzly 399 and one of her recent cubs
When it comes to assessing biological recovery of grizzlies, who is better informed—people who study wildlife for a living or governors and legislators who dislike grizzlies and wolves?
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Scientists Say Gianforte's Anti-Wolf, Anti-Grizzly Policies In Montana Have No Scientific Basis

October 2, 2021 // Wildlife, Wolves, Yellowstone

Wolves and grizzlies target of Montana's anti-predator laws
Prominent group of wildlife professionals with 1,500 years of experience condemn Montana's new laws targeting wolves. Already pups from popular Yellowstone wolf pack have been killed
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How A Mega-Mine And A 'Law Without A Brain' Were Defeated On Yellowstone's Back Door

August 26, 2021 // Activism, Mining, Yellowstone

Henderson Mountain would have been sacrificed to mega gold mining
A quarter century after a controversial gold mine was stopped thanks to presidential intervention, one of the green Davids who battled a powerful Canadian giant reflects on the longshot victory
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Covid Reflections: Before The World Shut Down Sarah DeOpsomer Got Sick

March 28, 2021

A string of covid masks in southwest Montana
A year after the pandemic reached the interior West and brought the globe to a standstill, this Bozeman resident survived her own brush with the virus. Now she looks back
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Carrying The Banner For Wilderness

May 10, 2019

The Palisades Wilderness Study Area
Wyoming Wilderness Association turns 40 and four dynamic young women are reinvigorating the wilderness spirit when so much is on the line in Greater Yellowstone
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Lee Metcalf: Remembering Montana's Firebrand

April 12, 2018

Montana's Lee Metcalf stood tall with giants
Mike Mansfield called Metcalf the state's greatest senator. In part 2 of Ed Kemmick's series, he also stood out as a no-apology conservationist
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The Mighty Absaroka-Beartooth Is 40

April 9, 2018

The Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness towering over Yellowstone
In this two-part tribute, writer Ed Kemmick celebrates not only landmark wilderness in Greater Yellowstone but Lee Metcalf, the senator who made it happen
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