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A Reckoning For John Muir and Teddy Too?

July 22, 2020

Theodore Roosevelt and John Muir in Yosemite
Head of Sierra Club calls out organization's towering co-founder as racist, says conservation movement needs to address harm it has caused to people of color
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Opinion: The Lie—And Shame—Of 'Wildlife Management' In Alaska

July 21, 2020

A black bear with a salmon dinner in Alaska
Renowned nature writer Bill Sherwonit calls out Alaska's push to allegedly bolster big game herds by allowing the killing of bears and wolves, including cubs and pups, in their dens
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What If The Lakota Had Wiped Lewis And Clark Off The Map?

June 15, 2020

Lewis and Clark heading into indigenous homelands
It could have happened. A descendent in the same blood line as Crazy Horse reflects on the Corps of Discovery staying alive and William Clark's racist attitudes
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Composting Carcasses In Cattle Country Keeps Livestock And Predators Alive

June 11, 2020

A wolf joins magpies in a wild feast
Writer Kate Hill explores why it's important for conservation groups to protect rancher identity in times of livestock loss
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Why A District Ranger Became Disgruntled With The US Forest Service

June 9, 2020

Looking into the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness
Hank Rate remembers when the Custer-Gallatin National Forest stalled wilderness protection and abandoned conservation in favor of getting the cut out
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Guest Essay: Why The Gallatin Mountains Need Permanent Protection, Especially Now

June 5, 2020

One lake in the wild Gallatins
As a seasonal backcountry ranger-naturalist in adjacent Yellowstone, Orville "Butch" Bach has witnessed change coming to the region for decades—and fewer spots left untouched by people
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'Unbroken Wilderness:' Big Sky And The Human Appetite For Consuming Wildness

May 15, 2020

Snow reveals landscape fragmentation at Big Sky
Big Sky is considered one of the biggest environmental challenges in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and its impacts are spilling into the wild Gallatins
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‘Unbroken Wilderness:’ The Quest To Save The Wild Gallatins

May 12, 2020

The Gallatins: wilder than most US national parks
For this American mountain range vital to Yellowstone's world-class wildlife, Bart Koehler reflects on why protecting it is one of the most important conservation issues in the West
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'They Still See Us': A New Poem by Lois Red Elk

May 7, 2020

"Many-Drums Moon," a painting by John Potter
The Dakota/Lakota poet writes of walking the paths of the four directions with humility and honor
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America's Big Open Was Anything But Lonely Or Empty

May 1, 2020

Did you know bighorns migrate, too?
Along with indigenous people, native animals large and small once covered North America's prairies—and in some places, they could again.
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Our Communities Are Being Defined By How We Respond To Covid-19

April 23, 2020

Giving creates infectious hope
Give Big, the annual celebration of non-profits, arrives at a crucial moment when citizens are anxious to get out—and rally. We guarantee this interview with Bridget Wilkinson will open your heart
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Chronic Wasting Disease: America's Homegrown Contagion That Lumbers On Four Hooves

April 12, 2020

Acronym for a series emerging zoosis (disease)
Forget, for a moment, Covid-19 and bats. Epidemiologists say we need to take seriously this wildlife version of Mad Cow rapidly spreading across the country. First in a new investigative series
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Ammon Bundy Claims Covid-19 Safety Guidelines Exploited By Government To Attain More Power

April 5, 2020

Like father, like son: Cliven and Ammon Bundy
Betsy Gaines Quammen wrote a book about the Bundys. In Part 2 of an interview with Rebecca Watters, she discusses militants, the search for truth and conservation-minded Mormons
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How Can 'We' Better Live In Panic-Stricken Times?

March 28, 2020

Words at Story Mill Park in Bozeman
It's normal to feel stressed out and alone, so what can we do about it? Timothy Tate, Bozeman psychotherapist, shares a few thoughts about creating the transformation we need
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