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Marshall Cutchin Brings Modern Thinking To Heraclitus' "Same River Twice"
August 14, 2017 // Water, Wildlife

Marshall Cutchin, publisher of world's largest online flyfishing webzine, joins MoJo stable of writers. You don't have to be an angler to appreciate Cutchin's incisive thoughts about the value of nature in our lives.
Read MoreFranz Camenzind Pens "Wild Ideas"
August 14, 2017 // Politics, Public Lands

Has the conservation leadership of Greater Yellowstone lost its edge in the face of so many emerging challenges? With a background in wildlife research, making acclaimed nature documentaries and leading a Jackson Hole-based conservation organization, Franz Camenzind has a lot to say about the state of the environmental movement.
Read MoreWith So Many Known Unknowns, Lance Olsen Connects Dots And Datapoints
August 14, 2017 // Endangered Species, Public Lands, Science
Missoula-based ecologist Lance Olsen keeps MoJo readers apprised of important research in the scientific literature that has implications for conservation in the Northern Rockies and beyond.
Read MoreJesse Logan Explores GYE Backcountry In From Granite To Grizzlies
August 14, 2017 // Endangered Species, Grizzly Bears, Public Lands, Science

Just as you can't separate the forest from its trees, you can't extract one strand of the web without stretching, stressing or breaking another. From his basecamp home in Paradise Valley, halfway between Yellowstone and Livingston, retired forest researcher Jesse Logan shares insights about climate change that's already upon us.
Read MoreColumnist Rebecca Watters Navigates Nature Without Borders
August 14, 2017 // Wildlife

Aldo Leopold advised the virtues of thinking like a mountain. Rebecca Watters invites us to ponder wildness from the perspective of a climate-challenged creature, the wolverine.
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