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Looking Past The Cliches of 'Western Art'

June 18, 2023

Bill Stockton's portrayal of a sunset
In her new award-winning book 'Montana Modernists,' Michele Corriel declares that artists from the West are so much more than frontier portrayals of cowboys and Indians
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To Stop A Grizzly And How Bear Spray Saved A Life

June 6, 2023

A large male grizzly approaches the camera in Greater Yellowstone
When a grizzly bear charged Keegan David, he had seconds to react. He shared his story with Mountain Journal.
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How Development Forced Bozeman’s Namesake Creek Underground

May 10, 2023

Do you see it? What is the water and land mosaic telling us?
The plight of Bozeman Creek is an indicator of how the health of waterways in Greater Yellowstone and the West are facing a multitude of damaging threats
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Big Sky, Montana: A New West Mountain Town Primed For Its Own 'Big Burn'?

April 19, 2023

Where there's smoke there's a big fire brewing
This high-profile resort community is at 'very high risk to wildfire' and an emblem for the dangers of building in the Wildland-Urban Interface. Part 3 in MoJo's ongoing series
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'Huge Mortality': Winterkill Hitting Wildlife In Northern Rockies Hard

April 7, 2023

A bull elk in Yellowstone left haggard by the winter
Grizzlies are out and wildlife is severely stressed. States issue warnings that recreationists need to be smart and, most importantly, respect space of animals or they could perish
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Big Sky Sustainability Group to Launch Climate Action Plan

February 13, 2023

Our water and wildlife are key priorities in the battle for Greater Yellowstone
Panel discussion preview, Part 1: Lill Erickson, Western Sustainability Exchange
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How Bills To Stop Killing Coyotes With Snowmobiles Went Down In Flames

January 19, 2023

In 2019, former Montana Sen. Mike Phillips introduced a bill to outlaw running over coyotes with snowmobiles. It failed.
Former Montana lawmaker questions what kind of religious people who worship Creator would condone torturing living products of creation?
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'Real' Wolves, Yellowstone and Humans’ Place in the Discussion Revealed at ‘Night of the Wolves’

January 12, 2023

Conrad Fisher of the Northern Cheyenne/Tsėhéstáno and Shane Doyle regale panelists and the crowd
MoJo hosts three preeminent wolf experts at The Ellen Theatre, bestows first-ever Conservation Courage awards at sold-out event
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Should Enviro Groups Be Promoting More Human Recreation Use Of Still-Unspoiled Places?

January 10, 2023

Two's company, but crowds can destroy the magic of wild places
A longtime Montana conservationist calls out a group for promoting its 'Trail of the Week' at a time when natural areas are being overwhelmed at the expense of wildlife
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White-tailed Deer Buck With CWD Confirmed Near Bozeman

December 14, 2022

CWD is now on the doorstep of Bozeman
As CWD spreads across the West, Wyoming still operates elk feedgrounds and states take aim at disease-fighting predators
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Win Or Lose, Liz Cheney's Legacy In American History Will Be Non Sibi Sed Patriae

August 16, 2022

Not so long ago, prior to Jan. 6, 2021, Liz Cheney defended Trump
In this op-ed, Tom Sadler reflects on Wyoming's Republican primary and what Lincoln, Roosevelt, Ike and Reagan would make of Harriet Hageman
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Yellowstone's Famed 'Boiling River' Undergoes Dramatic Shape Shift

July 24, 2022

The popular Yellowstone soaking place formerly known as 'Boiling River'
The "historic" floods in Yellowstone obliterated roads, disrupted our use of the park and altered Boiling River, but Nature isn't "destroyed"
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Unthinkable Disaster: Sweep Of Yellowstone Likely Closed To Tourism For Remainder of 2022

June 14, 2022

Historic north entrance to Yellowstone obliterated
Park Supt. Cam Sholly says damage caused by roaring rivers to roads puts northern part of park out of commission just as busy 150th anniversary/summer season getting under way
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Peacock The Firebrand Asks: Is Fighting For Wild Earth Worth It?

May 17, 2022

Peacock during his searching years in Yellowstone
Doug Peacock battles for grizzly conservation, inspired an Ed Abbey character and served as a Green Beret medic in Vietnam. His new memoir is perfect read for summer
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