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The Mighty Yellowstone: A Magnificent And Beleaguered River?

June 8, 2021

The untamed Yellowstone: a river that shapes local identity
After the legendary river flooded 25 years ago, hard lessons were learned but are they being forgotten? Livingston resident Dennis Glick offers this perspective
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30 X 30: Biden's Bureaucratic Bogeyman Or A Real Plan To Curb Climate Change?

June 7, 2021

Wildlife movement fits into national climate change strategy
Protecting healthy wildlife ecosystems like Greater Yellowstone is a central thrust of strategy. MoJo's Tom Sadler and Todd Wilkinson provide an overview
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The Unspeakable Past Of Indian Boarding Schools

June 7, 2021

Students at the Kamloops School
A grim discovery in western Canada is yet another shocking reminder of how Indian schools were instruments of genocide. Lois Red Elk offers two poems that speak to their legacy
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How Do We Lift Our Mental Spirits?

June 3, 2021

The great outdoors: good for body and soul
Timothy Tate writes about society's reluctance to prioritize mental health as a major public concern. Ironically, the challenge exists in a region filled with nature's healing abundance
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All Aboard The Bustling New Trails To "Nowhere"

June 2, 2021

Wildlife want to know: what is conservation?
Everybody is demanding access to Greater Yellowstone's finite wildlands but who is defending the wildlife that calls it home? A new cartoon by John Potter
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Pausing to Say Hello—And Goodbye

June 1, 2021

What is your memory of place (and other beings living there)?
Naturalist Susan Marsh wonders: How many of us really see a wild place for what it is—and, if pressed, could we offer an apt eyewitness account after passing through it?
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Artworks Of The Week: 'Keep Yourself In The Light'

May 28, 2021

Moose in the Rockies
Watercolorist Rod Crossman finds inspiration in the words of Norman Maclean
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Study: Wolves Bring Fewer Car Wrecks, Save Money And Human Lives

May 26, 2021

What's the real value of wolves?
New research paper raises tantalizing questions about value of wolves in Wisconsin, especially as western states plot their 21st century re-extermination
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Scary Bear Tales

May 26, 2021

Mama describes the most dangerous animals in the woods
Grizzly oral traditions: What MoJo cartoonist John Potter overheard at a Greater Yellowstone backcountry campsite
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The Fine Artist Who Brakes For Rattlesnakes And Mountain Lions

May 26, 2021

Celebrated American stone carver Steve Kestrel talks respect for all species, art as environmental statement and meeting Georgia O'Keeffe
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The Next Endangered Species in Hip Mountain Towns: Local People

May 19, 2021

 It's a scene repeated throughout the Rockies
As greedy landlords convert homes and apartments into pricey short-term rentals for tourists, many longtime residents are feeling exiled from their own communities. John Potter sizes it up
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A Novel About Lobos—With The Big Bad Wolf Nowhere In Sight

May 14, 2021

Moritsch writes fiction but not fairy tales lacking in science
For decades, Barbara Moritsch worked as an ecologist in some of the most visited national parks. In her novel she dispels backward attitudes toward wolves
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Things That Can't Be Re-Created

May 12, 2021

Remember the climber who hammered in bolts on petroglyphs?
After a climber in Utah brazenly bolted a route across ancient indigenous petroglyphs, believing they were "graffiti," MoJo cartoonist John Potter says it spells only one thing
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"Antler Scouts" Enter A Brave New Era

May 11, 2021

Every year bull elk shed their antlers
Julie Fustanio reports from Jackson Hole on the annual frenzy of gathering shed wildlife antlers, the covid effect and scouting bringing equality to girls
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