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Mouthwatering Social Sustenance: How Good Food Holds Communities Together

September 28, 2020

Head chef Leah Smutko in the dining room
As covid impacts deepen, supporting Fork & Spoon is a tasty, satisfying way to fight hunger and enhance human dignity. 
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The Big-Hearted Wolf

July 23, 2020 // Wolves

Meet a non fairy tale lobo
Ted Kerasote reviews Rick McIntyre's paen to lobos 'The Rise of Wolf 8: Witnessing The Triumph of Yellowstone’s Underdog'
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On Getting Unrattled

May 22, 2020

Is there any place to escape the worry of Covid-19?
A psychotherapist confesses his own Covid-19 worries, when even the legendary Mother's Day fly fishing hatch on the Yellowstone River brings no relief
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25 Years Of Re-living With Wolves In Yellowstone

December 23, 2019

Canis lupus headed for Colorado?
Park Service veteran Norm Bishop tried to prepare citizens in the Yellowstone region for wolves. Today he reflects on what we've learned as Colorado considers bringing Canis lupus back
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Big Green Mike: Now You Can Also Call Him Dr. Clark

November 22, 2019

Mike Clark
Former head of Greater Yellowstone Coalition and current MoJo board member Mike Clark to receive honorary doctorate from MSU
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The Power Of Bison As Muses And Sustenance For Social Change

November 6, 2019

Bison as muse for ecology/economy?
How Ted Turner's bison restaurants, inspired by Montana, have cast big green ripples nationwide
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Living In A Community Means Politicians Having The Courage To Take Media And Citizen Questions

October 26, 2019

Liz Cheney takes the handoff from President Trump
Every elected leader faces a choice: tell the truth and do what's right for country and civility or deepen the divide
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Terminal Diagnosis: How Montana Writer Ivan Doig Coped With His Own End

October 5, 2019

Ivan Doig
Doig's spirit springs to life in the MSU Library Archives, revealing his literary triumphs, fears and what lay in his heart 
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'Outside Ourselves' Should Be Read By Every Outdoor Recreationist

September 30, 2019

The Bridger Wilderness in Wyoming
Todd Burrit, former wilderness ranger, goes on a long wander in Greater Yellowstone and emerges as a protector
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Where Grizzlies Still Barely Hang On—In Their Own Yaak Time

September 23, 2019

Can humans leave any place alone?
For writer Rick Bass, dignity can be measured where nature is allowed to persist without impetuous interference. Another installment in our Sounds Of Silence series.
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Why A Group In Jackson Hole, Devoted To Unbridled Adventure, Conservation And Diversity, Is Under Fire

July 23, 2019

Do we consume nature to protect it?
SHIFT can still have real impact but only if it is willing to shift itself 
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Ruckus Over A National Hiking Trail: A MoJo Interview With Writer And Conservationist Rick Bass

June 25, 2019

View of the Yaak Valley
Should the Pacific Northwest Trail be re-routed in the Yaak Valley to insure habitat for an imperiled population of grizzlies remains protected? 
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Big Guns Want 230,000 Acres Of Gallatins Near Yellowstone Protected As Wilderness

May 14, 2019

One wild corner of the Gallatin Range
Founder of Patagonia joins former U.S. Interior Secretary and dozens of eminent scientists who say capital "W" essential to safeguarding wildlife in core of Greater Yellowstone
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Conversations At The Holiday Table

December 10, 2018 // Community, Community Change

The Savage Family - by  Edward Savage
Timothy Tate, MoJo's go-to psychotherapist, explores the stories we tell about ourselves
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