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Searching For The 'Other Bob' Behind Dylan

April 25, 2022

Dylan playing at the Civil Rights March in Washington DC, summer 1963
In 1968, writer Toby Thompson set out for Hibbing, Minnesota on a quest to find out how Robert Zimmerman became Bob Dylan. He met the legend's high school sweetheart who inspired a Dylan song
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Outdoor Recreation Equals Conservation: Debunking The Myth

April 5, 2022

Why does Greater Yellowstone still have all of its wildlife?
A developer's proposal to build a 'glampground' on the banks of the famous Gallatin River stokes controversy and calls messaging used by American conservation groups about recreation into question
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Gov. Lionheart? How Montana's Greg Gianforte Harvested A Yellowstone Cougar

March 3, 2022

A treed cougar in Yellowstone like the one taken by Gianforte
The Montana governor's spokeswoman refused to answer questions after word spread of Greg Gianforte taking a cougar near the same place where he felled a Yellowstone wolf in a trap
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Montana Governor Dodged Accountability After He Shot Yellowstone Research Lion Out Of Tree

March 2, 2022

A treed cougar in Yellowstone like the one taken by Gianforte
The governor's spokeswoman refused to do her job in answering questions after rumors spread of Greg Gianforte shooting a cougar near same place where he killed a Yellowstone wolf in a trap 
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What If The Airport In Grand Teton National Park Went Away? A Guest Essay

January 23, 2022

A commercial passenger jet lands in Grand Teton Park
Busiest airport in Wyoming and only major commercial one located inside a crown jewel national park, Jackson Hole Airport has transformed its setting and the valley
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The Strength Of Great Trees Is Grounded In Deep Roots

January 9, 2022

An old cottonwood reflected in the water
Poet Lois Red Elk reminds that the obvious things we savor about place, wildlife and community have deeper underpinnings in the earth
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What Is Wilderness Without Its Wolves?

January 9, 2022

Does anything more signify wilderness than a wolf howl?
The ecological importance of wolves is irrefutable. In this op-ed, MoJo columnist Franz Camenzind asks why are wolves facing eradication campaigns in federal Wilderness where the health of native species takes priority?
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The Climber-Conservationist Who Literally Put Greater Yellowstone On The Map

December 28, 2021

Rick Reese atop Mount Moran
As advocates for the Yellowstone region go, Rick Reese ranks right up there with the most impactful of all time. His legacy is written in the abundant wildlife and healthy landscapes we value today
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How A Mega-Mine And A 'Law Without A Brain' Were Defeated On Yellowstone's Back Door

August 26, 2021 // Activism, Mining, Yellowstone

Henderson Mountain would have been sacrificed to mega gold mining
A quarter century after a controversial gold mine was stopped thanks to presidential intervention, one of the green Davids who battled a powerful Canadian giant reflects on the longshot victory
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On Tracy Stone-Manning, Doing Dumb Things In Your 20s And The Game Of 'Gotcha'

August 11, 2021

Tracy Stone-Manning, Biden's nominee to lead BLM
As Biden's nominee to lead the Bureau of Land Management heads toward a vote in the Senate, we reflect in MoJo's 'The Week That Was' on efforts to torpedo her confirmation
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The Tyranny Of Individualism As Destroyer Of Communities And Wild Places

August 10, 2021

How Gardiner rebuilds after fire: Is it a harbinger for Greater Yellowstone?
How a fire in a Yellowstone gateway town reminds that anti-regulation is killing the kind of thinking needed to preserve the best of Greater Yellowstone. Lee Nellis weighs in
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In The Bull's Eye: A Human Swarm Is Overwhelming The Yellowstone Region

July 20, 2021

Greater Yellowstone is a bull's eye for growth
Amid unprecedented development and outdoor recreation pressure, three experts say new strategies urgently needed to save America's most famous wildlife ecosystem
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Is 'Wildland Conservation' That Does Not Emphasize Wildlife Really Conservation?

April 28, 2021

Well-known artists, writers fill volume edited by Katie Christiansen
Delightful new 'Artist's Field Guide To Yellowstone' offers inspiring reasons to care about protecting wildlife in Lower 48's famous bioregion 

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Can Sprawl Be Tamed To Protect Wildlife And Ag Lands? Liberty Says Yes, But....

April 15, 2021

For elk, the southern Gallatin Valley is an obstacle course
In Part 2 of MoJo's interview with national planning guru Robert Liberty, we discuss urban growth boundaries. How might they work in Greater Yellowstone?
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