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A Black Woman Who Tried To Survive In The Dark, White Forest

June 18, 2020 // Diversity, Forest Service

Melody Mobley
The Forest Service's first African-American woman forester reflects on sexual assault, justice denied, and racism in one of the country’s premier land management agencies
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Composting Carcasses In Cattle Country Keeps Livestock And Predators Alive

June 11, 2020

A wolf joins magpies in a wild feast
Writer Kate Hill explores why it's important for conservation groups to protect rancher identity in times of livestock loss
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Why A District Ranger Became Disgruntled With The US Forest Service

June 9, 2020

Looking into the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness
Hank Rate remembers when the Custer-Gallatin National Forest stalled wilderness protection and abandoned conservation in favor of getting the cut out
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What Can Greater Yellowstone Learn From Africa? (Remembering Garth Owen-Smith 1944-2020)

April 11, 2020

From sport hunting iconic species to giving local communities ownership over wildlife, Namibia may do things that drive some American conservationists crazy, but it has slowed and reversed the decimation of wildlife
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When The Government Tries To Think Big

March 29, 2020

Bison in Yellowstone's Lamar Valley
Thirty years ago, the Greater Yellowstone's first attempt at having a grand vision to protect the ecosystem turned into a whimper. What happened? A first-hand account from a civil servant who was there
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Are We Giving The Wild Gallatins The Visionary Protection They Really Deserve?

December 29, 2019

The Buffalo Horn drainage in the Wild Gallatins
By the wildlife they hold, the Gallatin Mountains are wilder than most national parks in the Lower 48. So why are the Forest Service and enviro groups balking at more extensive protections?
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In The End, It's What You Give Of Yourself That Matters Most

December 4, 2019

A hiker admires misty sun rays in a Yellowstone forest
Writer Susan Marsh marks the passage of this year, reflecting on having "enough," advocacy and exuding gratitude
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On Having Fun And Passing The Test of Ecological Sustainability

November 4, 2019

Riding the 'Ghee in Greater Yellowstone
A veteran Forest Service backcountry specialist reflects on how her agency is dealing with growing human pressure
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A Doctor Plumbs The Depths Of Ivan Doig's Illness And Asks: 'Did He Have An Epiphany?'

October 5, 2019

Ivan Doig taking notes at Fort Peck
Robert Patrick, a Doig fan and end-of-life-physician, writes of what he found in the famous author's journals
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Does The E-Bike Invasion Represent A Menace To Wildlife And Character Of Public Lands?

September 25, 2019
Larry Desjardin examines impact of Interior Department executive order opening gate for e-bikes in national parks, wildlife refuges and BLM lands. Are national forests next?
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Where Grizzlies Still Barely Hang On—In Their Own Yaak Time

September 23, 2019

Can humans leave any place alone?
For writer Rick Bass, dignity can be measured where nature is allowed to persist without impetuous interference. Another installment in our Sounds Of Silence series.
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Warning Signs Are Flashing

June 27, 2019

Have we passed the human-wildlife tipping point?
Jackson Hole is on the front lines of a new reality: As Susan Marsh notes, we are rapidly running roughshod over the things that bring us to Greater Yellowstone
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Bison: Still Not Back From The Brink

May 27, 2019

Russell's "When the Land Belonged to God"
The rescue of America's national land mammal is considered one of the greatest conservation success stories ever and yet it's hard to find many wild herds on the map 
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Wake For A Climber

May 22, 2019

Following the tragic loss of young climber Jess Roskelley, Timothy Tate explores the connection between loss and the sacredness of living a life true to oneself
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