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Twilight Of The Yellowstone Winterkeepers

December 24, 2022 // Yellowstone

Portrait of Steven Fuller by Neal Herbert/National Park Service
With 50 years of solitude, Steven Fuller is a living legend in Yellowstone and an endangered 21st-century icon
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An Interview With Yellowstone Winterkeeper Steve Fuller

December 22, 2022

Steve Fuller in his element
When the snow piles up and the remote interior of Yellowstone is buffeted with minus 50 windchills, Fuller says it's his favorite time to dwell in wonderland
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Yellowstone: Icon of Infamy or Convenient Scapegoat?

December 5, 2022

A family of Sheepeaters (Tukudika) photographed west of Yellowstone in 1871
Montana writer Todd Burritt pens a scathing review of Megan Kate Nelson's portrayal of America's first national park in her book 'Saving Yellowstone'
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Mystical American Rivers Can Run Through Your Living Room

December 1, 2022

"Dawn in Lavender," a painting by Dave Hall
Dave Hall, who has gained renown as "the painter of Greater Yellowstone rivers," is on a quest to protect the ecosystem one great riverscape at a time. You can join him
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How Do We Prevent Wild Greater Yellowstone from Unraveling?

November 29, 2022

Pronghorn migration in Greater Yellowstone
Special report: What can be done to save the Yellowstone ecosystem? If we're serious and want to have a reason for hope, here are several big ideas for how to do it
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The 'Wild West' Is Finite: Let's Not Consume It All

November 7, 2022

Sandhill cranes delight us—and they rely on our stewardship of habitat
Dorothy Bradley devoted her career to protecting Montana's sense of place. Now, in her twilight years, she says the conquering of nature has got to stop
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Why 'Yellowstone' Rancher John Dutton Says 'Progress' Is Destroying The Wild Rural West

October 27, 2022

The "balance" between private land development and conservation is landing hard on some of America's most famous wildlife populations
The only way Greater Yellowstone, America's most iconic wildlife ecosystem, stands a chance of being saved is if there's a game plan. Glaringly, none now exists
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'Wild' Horses: Are There 'Too Many' In The West?

September 26, 2022

A wild horse in central Wyoming
Few topics stir more passion. In Writers on the Range, Ted Williams and Scott Beckstead debate wild horse management
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Mountain Journal Adds Managing Editor To Expand Its Impact

September 23, 2022

MoJo's new ME Joe O'Connor
Joseph T. O'Connor, multimedia veteran in covering the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, joins MoJo team as part of series of big operational moves
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Grizzlies Around Yellowstone Are Entering A Big Squeeze

May 16, 2022

Grizzly 399 and four cubs, with whom she recently parted company
Past research shows bears are sensitive to small amounts of habitat intrusion by recreation and development. But what's the impact now as both of those go boom?
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It Started With A Pilgrimage To Wonderland

March 23, 2022

A black bear jam more than half a century ago in Yellowstone
In the first of a three-part series, "Reflections on a Changed and Changing Yellowstone," writer Earle F. Layser remembers his first visit to America's first national park 75 years ago compared to today
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Gov. Lionheart? How Montana's Greg Gianforte Harvested A Yellowstone Cougar

March 3, 2022

A treed cougar in Yellowstone like the one taken by Gianforte
The Montana governor's spokeswoman refused to answer questions after word spread of Greg Gianforte taking a cougar near the same place where he felled a Yellowstone wolf in a trap
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Montana Governor Dodged Accountability After He Shot Yellowstone Research Lion Out Of Tree

March 2, 2022

A treed cougar in Yellowstone like the one taken by Gianforte
The governor's spokeswoman refused to do her job in answering questions after rumors spread of Greg Gianforte shooting a cougar near same place where he killed a Yellowstone wolf in a trap 
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How Serious Are We, Really, About Protecting The Yellowstone Ecosystem?

February 9, 2022

What's good for grizzlies is good for all Greater Yellowstone wildlife
If the answer is saving America's greatest wildlife region, Catherine Semcer writes, then a more valiant and courageous effort aimed at conserving private lands needs to begin right now
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