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Chasing The Dream: The Journey Of A Mountain Town Kid Taking On The Impossible

April 22, 2020

Eddy Prugh in action
A lot of young athletes dream of breaking through to college and pro careers. Montanan Eddy Prugh blazed a trail in soccer and reflects on what it demanded
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Game Farms Should Warrant Greater Scrutiny In Age Of Disease Pandemics

April 21, 2020

Captive deer bred to grow huge antlers
In this op-ed, Wayne Pacelle calls out a controversial industry, profiting off of captive wildlife, that has been linked to spread of Chronic Wasting Disease
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Two Metrics Point At Tail-spinning Economy In Jackson Hole

April 19, 2020

Jackson Hole a barometer for Greater Yellowstone economy
Jonathan Schechter, a noted data wonk and local elected official, looks at airport traffic and newspaper ads to gain a sense of Covid-19's impacts on a main tourism hub in Greater Yellowstone
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Digging Out: When Surviving Two Avalanches Is Just The Start Of Dealing With Trauma

April 18, 2020

Setting out on the fateful morning
Ken Scott was buried for more than an hour, unable to move. He had lost hope. In part two of his story, he writes about the anguish in learning to breath again
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Stop The Stalling: Montana Ought To Have A Public Bison Herd

April 15, 2020

Wild bison called Montana home for millennia
In this op-ed, conservationist Jim Bailey says doing what's right for a state wildlife icon needs to prevail
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Are America's Greatest Wildlife Migrations Being Sacrificed To Fossil Fuels?

April 14, 2020

Pronghorn on the move for survival
Writer and ecologist Franz Camenzind investigates why some of Greater Yellowstone's biggest animal wonders are imperiled. Part 1 in an ongoing series Epic Journeys—Views from the Front Lines of America's Greatest Wildlife Migrations
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Chronic Wasting Disease: America's Homegrown Contagion That Lumbers On Four Hooves

April 12, 2020

Acronym for a series emerging zoosis (disease)
Forget, for a moment, Covid-19 and bats. Epidemiologists say we need to take seriously this wildlife version of Mad Cow rapidly spreading across the country. First in a new investigative series
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Perpetual Resurrection: New Life Springs From What Came Before

April 12, 2020

An old tree keeps giving back
As Jackson Hole poet Libby Crews Wood notes, all of us, every living being, contributes to the masterpiece of Nature
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What Can Greater Yellowstone Learn From Africa? (Remembering Garth Owen-Smith 1944-2020)

April 11, 2020

From sport hunting iconic species to giving local communities ownership over wildlife, Namibia may do things that drive some American conservationists crazy, but it has slowed and reversed the decimation of wildlife
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The Spirit World Is Never Apart

April 7, 2020

Red Elk: count your natural blessings
How does poet Lois Red Elk find grounding in challenging times? By honoring the soulful sustenance of the creator's gifts
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How Do We Rejoin The Interconnected Community Of Nature?

April 6, 2020

Bosch's Garden of Earthly Delights
Naturalist turned new mom Katie Shepherd Christiansen says we ought to reflect on how we can treat wild country with more respect
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Ammon Bundy Claims Covid-19 Safety Guidelines Exploited By Government To Attain More Power

April 5, 2020

Like father, like son: Cliven and Ammon Bundy
Betsy Gaines Quammen wrote a book about the Bundys. In Part 2 of an interview with Rebecca Watters, she discusses militants, the search for truth and conservation-minded Mormons
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When The War Finally Comes (to America's First National Park)

April 4, 2020

A bison trying to survive winter in Yellowstone
Ready for survivalism, are you? Yellowstone winterkeeper Steven Fuller indelicately dismantles the End-Times fantasy. There is no place humans can run to escape ourselves
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Howling, To Your Heart's Content

April 3, 2020

Painting title "Van Gogh Never Howled To The Moon."
Westerners aren't singing like Caruso from their balconies; they're greeting each other like a pack of fellow lonesome lobos
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