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Homeward Bound

January 19, 2024 // NEWS: Film Review

Mule deer migrate hundreds of miles to winter grounds from Grand Teton National Park
A new documentary released by the Wyoming Migration Initiative chronicles the travel and travails of Grand Teton mule deer.
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In Cadence: ‘Mni Wiconi’ and the Great Observers

January 16, 2024 // OPINION: Essay

The Yellowstone River runs north from Yellowstone National Park nearly 700 miles to its confluence with the Missouri
Recalling the 2016 Standing Rock demonstrations protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline, a Lakota woman reflects on the rhythm and power of water.
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2023 a ‘Good Food Year’ for Yellowstone Grizzlies

January 11, 2024 // NEWS: In Short

In October 2023, Grizzly Bear 566 weighed in at a whopping 716 pounds, three shy of the Greater Yellowstone record
Last fall, Grizzly 566 weighed in at a near record-breaking 700 pounds, Mountain Journal spoke with a grizzly expert for the latest in health and population trends for bears in Greater Yellowstone.
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The Past 30 Years in Yellowstone, Part 4: Mike Finley

January 9, 2024 // Interview Series

Mike Finley served the National Park Service for 32 years, including a trifecta of superintendent posts at three national parks
In the final installment of MoJo’s interview series with four Yellowstone superintendents, Mike Finley pulls no punches discussing the issues in our national parks.
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The Future of Drought in Montana

January 5, 2024 // NEWS: In Short

A barren wheatfield in Malta, Montana, after it was raided by migratory grasshoppers that thrive in drought conditions
Following a three-year planning process, Montana released an updated Drought Management Plan, seeking to foster drought resilience in the state and recognizing climate change as a driving factor.
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50 Years: How the Endangered Species Act Influenced Greater Yellowstone

January 2, 2024 // NEWS: Dispatch

Bald eagles were finally listed under the ESA in 1978
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act, Mountain Journal looks at the landmark legislation’s impact on some of Greater Yellowstone’s keystone species.
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A Remarkable Year

December 26, 2023 // OPINION: Essay

The Teton range and the peaceful solitude of a closing year
In her poignant essay, MoJo columnist Susan Marsh reminds us of the important things in life as she reflects on the past year: to be bold, to be gracious, and to remember that the more we give, the more we receive.
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Where the Rudder Meets the Road

December 22, 2023 // NEWS: Feature

Our roads have disrupted wildlife migrations and ecosystems in ways we didn’t understand when we built them
In his new book, Crossings, author Ben Goldfarb charts a course through the complicated intersection of roads and ecology.
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Two Wyoming Elk Feedgrounds in Limbo Amid CWD Concerns

December 21, 2023 // NEWS: In Short

Wyoming Game and Fish manages 22 elk feedgrounds across the state
As Wyoming Game and Fish assesses the viability of two Wyoming elk feedgrounds, concerns over the spread of chronic wasting disease at forefront.
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Guardrails on Growth in Paradise

December 18, 2023 // NEWS: Dispatch

The Absaroka range rises in the distance above Livingston, Montana
As land-use conflicts near a tipping point in Paradise Valley and surrounding locales, Park County Commissioners vote to update the county's Growth Policy
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The 'Unprecedented' Decline of a Wyoming Pronghorn Herd

December 15, 2023 // NEWS: Dispatch

Heavy snows, coupled with a lethal bacteria rare to Wyoming, hit the state's Sublette pronghorn herd hard last winter
A brutal winter and rare respiratory bacteria killed thousands of pronghorn on one of the nation's longest migration routes. Now what?
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New Research Suggests Montana FWP Wolf Count High

December 14, 2023 // NEWS: Feature

Wolf reintroduction efforts in Greater Yellowstone beginning in 1995 were successful. As Montana weighs its new wolf management plan, numbers are in question
Bozeman-based researcher says agency's model for counting wolves is wrong. FWP disagrees citing a lack of peer review.
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BLM Bans Lethal ‘Cyanide Bombs’ Used to Kill Predators

December 14, 2023 // NEWS: In Short

The EPA authorizes various federal and state agencies to use M-44 cyanide devices to kill canids, including wolves and coyotes
The ban, in place on 245 million acres for a minimum of five years, comes after M-44 cyanide devices killed non-target species including domestic dogs and injured humans.
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Ecocentrism and Anthropocentrism: Where do we Stand in Greater Yellowstone?

December 13, 2023 // OPINION: Essay

Stereotyping wildlife has long led to biophobia and ill-will toward predators
In this guest essay, Clint Nagel examines two world views of humanity’s role on planet Earth. And says the time to support nature and its biodiversity is now.

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