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On ‘A River’

July 17, 2024 // Book Review

The professor. Norman Maclean was as at home in the classroom as he was on Montana waters.
A new biography dives into the life of author Norman Maclean, his writing and his motivation behind the greatest fly-fishing story ever told.
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Counting Cougars

July 11, 2024 // OPINION: Essay

The elusive and magnificent "Ghost of the Rockies" in its element.
In this guest essay, photographer and Yellowstone guide MacNeil Lyons recounts the top 10 most thrilling mountain lion sightings he's experienced.
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Shooter Identified from July 4 Incident in Yellowstone

July 9, 2024 // NEWS: In Short

Canyon Village in Yellowstone National Park
Following an FBI investigation, an individual who was firing a semi-automatic rifle at Canyon Village on July 4 has been identified as a Xanterra employee from Florida. The man was killed in gunfire exchange with park rangers.
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The Lost Lesson of Stewardship

July 9, 2024 // OPINION: Essay

Visitors in Yellowstone National Park contemplate the setting sun on the shores of Yellowstone Lake
In the face of a warming climate and accelerating human impact in Greater Yellowstone, former 16-year Montana State Representative Dorothy Bradley writes that we have a responsibility, not just to our ancestors, but to the wildlife being squeezed in the ecosystem.
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Save Bears, Drink Cider

June 25, 2024 // NEWS: Dispatch

Attractants like human garbage, apple trees and birdseed can lure bears into towns in Greater Yellowstone
Wyoming’s only cidery is on a mission to reduce human-wildlife conflict in Greater Yellowstone. They say harvesting neighborhood apples is the key.
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Wyoming Road Failure Reveals Housing Crisis

June 18, 2024 // OPINION: Op-ed

On June 8, a section of Highway 22 over Teton Pass collapsed in a massive landslide
Writers on the Range contributor Molly Absolon looks at the Teton Pass highway catastrophe and its impact on Jackson and its neighboring communities.
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Are Toxic Agrichemicals Forcing Rapid Evolution in Yellowstone Elk?

June 14, 2024 // NEWS: Feature

Pesticides and fertilizers may have caused deformities in Greater Yellowstone wildlife
New research suggests hazardous chemicals like pesticides and fertilizers used in farming, more so than wolves, contributed to a decline in Greater Yellowstone elk and other ruminants.
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Yellowstone Visitor Gets Jail Time for Trespassing on Park Thermal Feature

June 13, 2024 // NEWS: In Short

Steamboat Geyser in Yellowstone's Norris Geyser Basin, is the world's tallest and potentially dangerous
A Washington man was sentenced to a week in jail and fined $1,500 after walking off a park boardwalk toward Steamboat, the world’s tallest active geyser.

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Squeezing the Waterways in Greater Yellowstone

June 12, 2024 // OPINION: Column

Jackson, Wyoming. As they built it, they did come.
As Jackson Hole swells with development, MoJo columnist Susan Marsh writes that waterways like Flat Creek need our attention.
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Victory in Defeat

June 7, 2024 // NEWS: In Short

Since 2000, nearly 38,000 acres of Park County have been converted to housing. Residents on June 4 voted to limit development.
Park County residents voted down Referendum 1, opting to retain their growth policy amid an unprecedented development boom.
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BLM Public Lands Rule: Why is it Important in Greater Yellowstone?

June 6, 2024 // NEWS: Dispatch

The Bureau of Land Management oversees some 245 million acres of public lands in the U.S.
Despite 90 percent support from 200,000 public comments, new rule faces strong opposition from resource-extraction advocates.
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Have Wolves Returned Yellowstone to its Natural State?

May 24, 2024 // NEWS: Feature

Reintroduced into Yellowstone in 1995, wolves have had major impacts on Yellowstone National Park. Some scientists are wondering, to what extent?
Wolves have affected the ecosystem in the park, but new study says they may be just one component of a trophic cascade.
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The Short and Imperiled Life of Bees

May 21, 2024 // NEWS: Dispatch

Once common in North America, the western bumble bee has seen a 57 percent decline, and is being considered for protection as an endangered species
Critical to healthy ecosystems, pollinators including bees and butterflies face numerous threats in Greater Yellowstone and beyond.
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No Ref 1 Organizers get out Vote in Park County

May 17, 2024 // NEWS: In Short

Organizers in Park County are ramping up for a June 4 vote on the growth policy
With less than three weeks from a vote, county growth policy proponents look to safeguard rural way of life.
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