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Scientist Says Wildlife Impacts Should Be Considered In Outdoor Recreation Decisions

December 14, 2020

Our playground is their home
April Craighead says between development and surging recreation pressure on public lands, nature is getting pounded around Bozeman
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Why A District Ranger Became Disgruntled With The US Forest Service

June 9, 2020

Looking into the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness
Hank Rate remembers when the Custer-Gallatin National Forest stalled wilderness protection and abandoned conservation in favor of getting the cut out
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Young And Roused: Movement In West Strives To Remake Communities Wholer

June 7, 2020

Forward Montana a part of youth movement
In Rockies, Forward Montana empowers leaders to confront injustice, navigate corona uncertainty, and challenge economic disparity. One of its staffers explains how
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To Kill A Migrating Antelope In Wyoming

May 13, 2020

A pronghorn navigating a maze of fences
Franz Camenzind reflects on a premonition he had long ago that provided a lesson in how the straight-lined human world collides with the pathways of wildlife
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Ron Marlenee Was A Proud Burr In The Hiking Boots Of Environmentalists

April 30, 2020

The late Ron Marlenee
The former Montana Congressman who died this week could be prickly but he delighted in delivering zingers and representing rural people
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When An American Tourist Mecca Copes With Two Possible Fates: "Bad" And "Worse"

April 27, 2020

Surreally empty: Dornan's in Grand Teton National Park
A young Jackson Hole businessperson carrying on a family tradition fears that for many re-opening Yellowstone and Grand Teton to visitors could come too little too late
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Covid-19 And Climate Change Pose Similar Challenges For Montana And The Greater Yellowstone Region

April 26, 2020

A forest fire in Yellowstone
The arrival of novel coronavirus, two scientists say, is forcing us to move beyond short-term thinking—the exact thing preventing us from dealing with the climate change future
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Our Communities Are Being Defined By How We Respond To Covid-19

April 23, 2020

Giving creates infectious hope
Give Big, the annual celebration of non-profits, arrives at a crucial moment when citizens are anxious to get out—and rally. We guarantee this interview with Bridget Wilkinson will open your heart
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Chasing The Dream: The Journey Of A Mountain Town Kid Taking On The Impossible

April 22, 2020

Eddy Prugh in action
A lot of young athletes dream of breaking through to college and pro careers. Montanan Eddy Prugh blazed a trail in soccer and reflects on what it demanded
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Two Metrics Point At Tail-spinning Economy In Jackson Hole

April 19, 2020

Jackson Hole a barometer for Greater Yellowstone economy
Jonathan Schechter, a noted data wonk and local elected official, looks at airport traffic and newspaper ads to gain a sense of Covid-19's impacts on a main tourism hub in Greater Yellowstone
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What Can Greater Yellowstone Learn From Africa? (Remembering Garth Owen-Smith 1944-2020)

April 11, 2020

From sport hunting iconic species to giving local communities ownership over wildlife, Namibia may do things that drive some American conservationists crazy, but it has slowed and reversed the decimation of wildlife
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Howling, To Your Heart's Content

April 3, 2020

Painting title "Van Gogh Never Howled To The Moon."
Westerners aren't singing like Caruso from their balconies; they're greeting each other like a pack of fellow lonesome lobos
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Coronavirus On The Doorstep: The Pandemic Reaches America’s Isolated Flyover

April 2, 2020

Doctor from another time fighting a pandemic
In a real-life potboiler, Sarah DeOpsomer pens a personal journal about Covid-19's arrival in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and waiting for her own (positive) test results to come in
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The West In A Time Of Conflict: The Bundys, Public Lands And Covid-19

March 30, 2020

Cliven Bundy
Mountain Journal columnist Rebecca Watters interviews Betsy Gaines Quammen about her new book 'American Zion'
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