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Is A Toothless Federal Bureaucracy Devoted To Ecosystem Protection Capable Of Doing Its Job?

March 31, 2022

Development in Jackson Hole is hurting wildlife on both private and public land
What happens when a bunch of federal bureaucratic agencies are thrown together with a mission to protect America's best wildlife ecosystem? Not enough, argues Earle Layser in part two of his series on Yellowstone
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We Outdoor Recreationists—All Of Us— Are Displacing Wildlife

January 31, 2022

The crush of Covid visitation has created a new reality
Scientist April Craighead shares what the Craighead Institute has found so far in its examination of user impacts on wildlife near Bozeman, attitudes toward animals and each other
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What If The Airport In Grand Teton National Park Went Away? A Guest Essay

January 23, 2022

A commercial passenger jet lands in Grand Teton Park
Busiest airport in Wyoming and only major commercial one located inside a crown jewel national park, Jackson Hole Airport has transformed its setting and the valley
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The Climber-Conservationist Who Literally Put Greater Yellowstone On The Map

December 28, 2021

Rick Reese atop Mount Moran
As advocates for the Yellowstone region go, Rick Reese ranks right up there with the most impactful of all time. His legacy is written in the abundant wildlife and healthy landscapes we value today
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“Never Here”: Battle Royale In MN Boundary Waters' Mine Fight Has Ties To Greater Yellowstone

November 16, 2021

Boundary Waters: a wilderness marvel in America's Lower 48
Mountain Journal interviews Becky Rom who is hoping to stop a mega copper mine, backed by Chilean investors, from harming the Lower 48's premier water wilderness
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Yellowstone Confronts Its Past

October 11, 2021

Tribes are bringing deeper, truer meaning to Yellowstone
Homeland and crossroads for at least 27 indigenous tribes, Yellowstone as a place has an ancient human history—one seldom acknowledged in its first 150 years as a park
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Next Act: Let The Bugling (Of Bull Elk) Begin In Yellowstone

August 29, 2021 // Elk, Wildlife, Yellowstone Winterkeeper

Bull elk in Yellowstone are readying for autumn jousting
Autumn arrives sooner on the Yellowstone Plateau than most other places in the Lower 48. Winterkeeper and Mountain Journal columnist Steven Fuller chronicles the start of a glorious season of jousting
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On Tracy Stone-Manning, Doing Dumb Things In Your 20s And The Game Of 'Gotcha'

August 11, 2021

Tracy Stone-Manning, Biden's nominee to lead BLM
As Biden's nominee to lead the Bureau of Land Management heads toward a vote in the Senate, we reflect in MoJo's 'The Week That Was' on efforts to torpedo her confirmation
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In This Wolf Man, There Are Enduring Echoes Of Aldo

July 29, 2021

The historic day wolves were restored to Yellowstone
Greater Yellowstone-based scientist Mike Phillips receives Leopold Award, highest honor given by The Wildlife Society for having an impactful career in conservation
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In The Bull's Eye: A Human Swarm Is Overwhelming The Yellowstone Region

July 20, 2021

Greater Yellowstone is a bull's eye for growth
Amid unprecedented development and outdoor recreation pressure, three experts say new strategies urgently needed to save America's most famous wildlife ecosystem
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John Heminway: American Master Of Dramatic Earthly Storytelling

June 15, 2021

Heminway on the trail of elephant poachers
From writing for legendary Wyoming outdoorsman Curt Gowdy to exposing elephant ivory poachers on film, John Heminway fights for wildness by telling the truth
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Meditations On A Congress Of Owls

April 13, 2021

Three siblings about to face the world
When a pair of Great Horned owls set up nest along a busy road, Tim Crawford was there to photograph—and celebrate—them. Be it human or natural community, he says it's important to give a hoot
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What Toll On Wildness When Humans Want It All?

April 7, 2021

A peak encounter between local and visitor
MoJo's The Week That Is: When it comes to recreational impacts, we have to look ourselves in the mirror—and that's probably why we deny we are displacing wildlife
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As Backcountry Fills, Will Wildness Be Left Empty?

February 21, 2021

A pair of snowmobiles that carried snowboarders into the backcountry
In this op-ed, writer Phil Knight, a wilderness advocate for four decades, warns how Greater Yellowstone's remotest spots are being flooded by people
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